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The Marvel comic book[]

  • Author Appeal: George Perez designed a new costume for the Scarlet Witch, which reveals that she does not wear panties. He has stated that she is his favorite character.
  • Author's Saving Throw: Hank Pym, whose involvement in the Civil War debacle was negated by the reveal that he was a Skrull during that storyline.
    • Earlier than that, Avengers Forever was meant as an Author's Saving Throw for the reviled "Crossing" arc, and along the way it simplified the Kang/Immortus connection so that future writers would not have to worry about it. Not that future Avengers writers have made use of Immortus anyway, and Kang was killed off by the next writer to use him.
      • Avengers: The Children's Crusade full-stop.
  • Broken Base: The fan base is pretty much irreversibly split on Brian Michael Bendis' contributions to the franchise, let alone the John Byrne Avengers West Coast run.
  • Creator's Pet: Jessica Jones and Luke Cage for Bendis, Mantis for Steve Englehart, Sersi for Bob Harras, Hank Pym for Dan Slott, and Sharon Carter for Ed Brubaker
  • Downer Ending:
    • Vision Quest
    • The Crossing
    • Avengers Disassembled
    • Civil War
    • Secret Invasion
    • "Operation: Galactic Storm", about the Kree-Shi'ar War, ended with the Kree Supreme Intelligence detonating a Nega bomb and obliterating most of its own species in an attempt to jump start their evolution. Half of the Avengers were so disgusted with this that they executed him.
      • It goes into an even bigger downer than that: Iron Man's participation in this sparked his descent into evil and the start of The Crossing, the aforementioned Continuity Snarl of a crossover. Then it all feeds into Onslaught...
  • Fanon Discontinuity: Everything since Chuck Austen took over the book in 2003.
  • God Mode Sue: Mantis under Steve Engelhart.
  • Ho Yay: Iron Man and Captain America. And for them it's all over the place, starting in the classics and continuing to present day. Just look at Civil War: Confessions.
  • Never Live It Down:
  • One-Scene Wonder: Pilot Marko appears for about five pages in Secret Avengers #17, and you are about to read every word he's ever spoken, but he steals the book.