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All-purpose theories for characters in Avengers 2[]

No theory is too outlandish, nothing is out of bounds.

  • The Silver Surfer, as mentioned below, will show up as The Cavalry when the team goes up against Thanos. They'd have to buy the rights to him from 20th Century Fox, but it wouldn't feel like a Thanos movie without the Surfer.
  • The Vision will appear, either as an original character or as a resurrected Phil Coulson, possibly as his LMD.
  • Hank Pym and The Wasp, if only to quiet the fanboys who were angry about them not appearing in this movie.
  • Captain Mar-Vell or Ms. Marvel. Since the sequel is definitely going interplanetary, it would make sense to include the Kree as alien allies of Earth. At the very least, Carol Danvers will likely be introduced as one of the team's higher-ups at SHIELD.
  • She Hulk, if only to pad out the team's female characters, or to act as an upbeat foil for Bruce Banner.
  • Doctor Strange will introduce elements of magic into the mostly sci-fi themed Marvel Cinematic Universe, and will ultimately use a spell to help turn the tide against Thanos.
  • Disney's movie wiki states that a Doctor Strange movie is being planed. No release year is set though.
  • Black Panther will be introduced as a powerful African monarch who will become the team's ally when they (inevitably) get involved in some kind of international intrigue. Midway through, they'll discover that he's a powerful warrior in his own right.
  • Spider-Man, if The Amazing Spider Man is part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This is the real reason the franchise was rebooted.

The Silver Surfer will be a major character in the sequel[]

I have no idea how they would iron out the legal difficulties surrounding this, but come just wouldn't feel right with Thanos as the villain but without the Silver Surfer. Then again, considering Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer wasn't exactly a resounding success, 20th Century Fox probably isn't that desperate to hold onto the movie rights to the character. If they really wanted to, the guys at Marvel Studios could probably buy the rights to him. And a role in Avengers 2 would probably be a good lead-in to a solo Silver Surfer movie (hopefully, one where Galactus isn't just a floating cloud in space).

    • I had heard that Fox was indeed trying to reboot the fantastic four. So this one looks unlikely for the near future.
  • Potentially not likely. I forget what was the reason, but Marvel couldn't use Silver Surfer in the World War Hulk animated movie. It's also possible that Fox may try to continue using the Fantastic Four license to cash in on Marvel's successes. Or they could choose to be jerks and hold onto the rights as long as possible just for spite. Wouldn't be the first time a company has secured production rights just to sit on them.

Jane Foster wasn't being protected from Loki[]

Jane Foster was put in protective custody to protect her from Joss Whedon. We know how he feels about happy relationships.

Director Fury's superiors...[]

Are the Commission on Superhuman Activities, Mark Gruenwald's famous Omniscient Council of Vagueness from the 80s Cap comics. Just 'cause.

Tony will be revealed to be a Captain America fanboy.[]

Possibly due to Howard telling him some old war stories about the "Star Spangled Man with a Plan".

    • Apparently, going by some interviews with the cast, it seems that Tony won't be filling this role (and then again, if the "Genius Billionaire Philantrophist" scene is any indication, we'll have a more "complex" relationship with Steve/Tony), and that Agent Phil Coulson will be revealed to be a huge Captain America nerd.
      • Sorta Jossed. At first he doesn't seem to take him seriously, even remarking how unconvinced he is after his father constantly talked about him. By the end though, he at least seems to respect Cap.

Hawkeye is going to betray the rest of the team about halfway through.[]

Only to be brought back to the side of the Avengers near the climax. I don't have much in the way of evidence, it's just a feeling I'm getting from the trailers and the released info about him.

    • The movie storybook seems to support the idea of a Brainwashed and Crazy Hawkeye, mentioning that he falls under the control of Loki at one point.
      • Half Jossed, half confirmed. He's Brainwashed and Crazy at the beginning, but by the latter half is freed from his control.

The Big Bad of the film will be the Void.[]

And the plot will be as close to Siege as possible without having either Spider-Man or Norman Osborn in it. Yes, this means Loki dies to stop the Void (in a "My God, What Have I Done?" moment after having schemed to create it).

    • Jossed. Loki is the villain. His closest ally is the Other, the leader of the Chitauri, who is taking orders from a Bigger Bad, revealed in the post-credits scene to be Thanos.

At one point, the Villains will have basically won- New York will be a occupied territory, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the U.S. Military will be on the run, the President will have been sent to a undisclosed location, countries around the world will be surrendering in fears they will be next, etc. The climax will be the Avengers' last-ditch effort, intended to either save the world or take out Loki trying.[]

  • Hence why Tony says that while the team might not be able to save the world, they'll be sure to avenge it.
    • Jossed. They win in the end, and even though Nick Fury's higher-ups question how dangerous a team like the Avengers will be, it is not fully explored in the end.

In the film, Thor will arrive via Arc Reactor.[]

Red Skull is disintegrated when the Cosmic Cube goes category-five apeshit, with a beam of light shooting into the sky when the technology supporting it is destroyed by Cap's shield. The result is a portal into what Thor's movie showed to be the Yggdrasil between Asgard and Jotunheim (or Earth), and it's very heavily implied (almost insultingly so) that the Cosmic Cube is the very same element that Tony Stark discovered to complete the Arc Reactor (which, coincidentally, conveniently explains how his palladium poisoning was cured so fast: funny things, godly toys...). To wrap up, in Iron Man, Stane was KO'd when Pepper blew the reactor, resulting in a beam of light shooting into the sky. With the application of the [Cosmic] Cube element with equipment powerful enough to harness it, we have us a man-made Bifrost Bridge.

    • Except, the novelization of Iron Man 2 states that the element Tony discovered was vibranium. The vibranium itself may have been created with, or contain, [a fraction of] the power (or similar power) of the Cosmic Cube. Also, the Cosmic Cube is an object, while vibranium is an element.
      • The idea of Tony discovering vibranium is further supported in The Avengers when both Tony's internal reactor and Cap's shield are shown to be capable of resisting Asgardian energy.
      • Maybe it was Vibranium and he just pumped it full of arc reactor energy or something like that. Isn't vibranium supposed to be able to absorb ungodly amounts of energy?
    • A/The Arc Reactor may still be responsible for bringing Thor back to Earth. Though destroyed at the end of Iron Man, it could have been rebuilt...and, re-destroyed? How else, other than by being destroyed, could the Arc Reactor create a portal between Midgard (Earth) and Asgard?
    • Though not confirmed to appear in the first movie, Jane Foster could still have completed her research - which would probably lead to finding or creating new paths between Asgard and Earth.
      • Maybe she's kidnapped in the first movie - and that would be something driving Thor. Maybe she will be rescued at the end of the first (in a cameo), or in the second (be part of the cast).
    • As happens in the comics, Asgard (with Thor) could appear in the sky, floating above some place on Earth. That could be a reason people (especially those not discharging weapons) were looking at the sky, in the trailer.
    • Jossed. Thor arrives through a different way. Not entirely sure though as the dialogue wasn't made clear.
    • Loki quickly said that Odin must have conjured enough power or magic to bring Thor to earth.
      • Specifically, he said that Odin must have scrounged hard to find enough "dark energy" to send Thor to Earth.

There will be more than one returning villain in The Avengers, and they'll be teaming up with Loki.[]

Red Skull didn't get vaporized at all; he was warped to Asgard instead. If the team of heroes is an All-Star Cast, shouldn't the team of villains be, too?

    • To add further credence to this theory: in the first full trailer, around the 0:56 mark, there is a jet shown, which looked quite like the jet the Red Skull built in Captain America: The First Avenger.
      • I'm pretty sure that's the Quinn jet.
      • Jossed, kind of. Skull is out, as are the other villains people went with - the Skrulls, but another alien race is hinted at. Leading to...
    • Jossed. Loki is the only returning villain.

The alien army Loki will have will be the Frost Giants[]

If one considers extradimensional beings as aliens, Loki's army could be the Jotun: he cons them into thinking Thor and Odin are responsible for the Bifrost Massacre, and convinces them to attack Midgard in revenge. He hates the Jotun as well, but they don't need to know that - I can totally see Loki being the sort of person who wouldn't care which bystanders and nameless pawns die in the conflict - human, Aesir or Jotun - as long as he sees those he hates pay as much as possible and acquires his aims.

  • The Assemble trailer gives a few brief shots of the aliens and they do indeed look very much like frost giants. That would make sense seeing as how the portal that Loki fell into at the end of Thor was connected to Jotunheim. Where they got lasers and space planes however remains a mystery. It's also possible that the army he is referring to is the Kree. Or Red Skull really did survive and now makes a living selling Hydra stuff to the frost giants. (This ties in nicely to my "Red Skull wound up on Jotunheim" Theory actually.)
    • One of the aliens faces is shown in the "Head Count" Tv spot and they are definitely not frost giants. I'm also doubting they are the Kree at this point. Someone in the comments of an earlier trailer made the claim that they were dark elves but thats a youtube comment so it should probably be taken with a very large grain of salt.

At some point in the movie, Steve will talk to Tony about Howard.[]

And he will tell him "[y]ou're a lot like him". Maybe insultingly at first, but the next time will be a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming.

  • Jossed Fury does mention Howard to Steve, and Tony discusses Howard to Banner after not being impressed by Steve, but Steve and Tony don't talk about it amongst themselves.

Black Widow and Hawkeye will have a romantic subplot in this movie.[]

They had a relationship in the comics, albeit one that ended very badly, and they're the two Avengers we know the least about. It stands to reason they'll have a good storyline of their own.

    • All the other characters already have love interests, so that seems very likely.
      • Except, Cap missed his date with his love interest When he went to sleep, about seventy years ago. Of course, there is also Maria Hill. Or, maybe, Cap chooses to remain... Single.
      • Cap has Sharon Carter, who appeared at the end of his movie, though she may hold off appearing in order to show up in the Captain America sequel. Anyways, this WMG is pretty much confirmed by Word of God, sort of. According to the actors, Hawkeye and Widow had a prior relationship that Hawkeye "clings to."
    • Beautifully Jossed by Scarlett Johannson herself — "There's no time for romance, we have shit to Avenge."

The Wasp will appear, if not in the first, in a second Avengers movie.[]

And her tendency, in the comics, to switch costumes a lot, each one more flamboyant than the other, will provide an excellent opportunity for an Actor Allusion. Which young female celebrity has a similarly bizarre fashion sense?

    • Lady Gaga as Wasp? No. God, no.
    • I think they would use Nicki Minaj as Wasp.
      • You disgust me.
    • Jossed

Spider-Man will have a cameo in the film[]

Think about it logically. Granted, Spidey wasn't in the original line up for the Avengers...but The Avengers is out in 2012, and so is The Amazing Spider-Man; it makes sense that they ask Andrew Garfield to do a spot of filming alongside RDJ and Chris Evans; they could have Spidey act like a fanboy around Tony and Steve; Tony cause he's a technological genius, and Steve cause he's... Well Captain America. He could even phone Gwen after and say "[Hey Gwen, guess what? I just met CAPTAIN AMERICA!" And for one more tip of the hat, if the Avengers takes place after the events of TASM, then Spidey could have his original red and blue costume on.

    • Wouldn't work. Marvel Studios doesn't have the rights to Spider-Man or X-Men, which kinda puts a wrench into the works.
    • X-Men First Class may or may not be in continuity with these films (they sure as hell aren't in continuity with the other X-men films), but it's not outright stated. It's possible that future Spider-Man and X-Men films will make reference to the Avengers or the the events of this film without the characters actually showing up, at least not until Marvel can get the rights to them back.
    • Jossed
    • Further jossed based on commentary from The Incredible Hulk. They had asked Sony if they could use Empire State University, but Sony declined. They also asked if they could have Spider-Man swing by in the background of a scene or just have Tobey Maguire standing in a crowd scene. Both were declined, so the likelihood of Sony connecting Amazing Spider-Man with a rival company is improbable.

Someone very important will die in an absolutely heartwrenching way[]

Joss Whedon is directing. Try not to get too attached to anyone.

    • My money's on Coulson.
      • I'm skeptical. In interviews, Marvel Studios has mentioned potential interest in a spinoff TV show starring him. He's the "logical" candidate, from a Whedon writing philosophy perspective, but I'm dubious of Marvel actually approving such.
      • Jossed on Coulson, his actor confirmed he would make it out of this one. On the other hand, Hawkeye seems to have a patent on getting killed...
      • I don't think even Whedon would be heartless enough to kill a major superhero in his very first film. Even if he is, I feel that Marvel wouldn't be cool with it.
    • Some leaked set-pictures and -videos seemed to show Cap looking hurt, while fighting alongside Thor, possibly in a scene seen in the trailer. Well, it was a video taken of them shooting a scene, so there were no effects (as in blood and stuff). {{[http|// Here}} and here.]
    • I'm going to bet and say that it's going to be Loki in a case of Redemption Equals Death.
      • I doubt it. It may seem that way, but as comic!Loki said, "After all, the first thing a sorcerer of quality learns is to make himself as difficult to kill as possible."
    • Confirmed
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      • Actually, Jossed.
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that lied. 
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The Avengers will go on an epic bender[]

Stark is a connoisseur of spirits and near-alcoholic. Thor is a Boisterous Bruiser given to the celebratory tub of meed. Widow is Russian. Cap doesn't get drunk. I mean, come on!

    • What about The Hulk? When his pulse rises, no one is likely to like him. Of course, he could be the designated driver.
      • Technically, that should be Cap, but maybe he still gets a high blood-alcohol level despite never getting drunk.
    • They definitely should! And maybe do something stupid, too?
    • "Whoa, whoa Hulk-- whiskey's probably not the best thing for you. You know, I bet that temper of yours would qualify for medical marijuana..."
    • I am trying to imagine Bruce and Steve as the straight men to the entire rest of the team.
  • Jossed.
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Steve has a problem with Tony because of Replacement Scrappy issues[]

  • Steve's just woken up after being good friends with Howard Stark who's slightly off, but still a good and loyal friend, only to find that his son is just similar enough to evoke painful memories while being this insensitive arrogant brat. Naturally it will take a while for Steve to warm up to Tony and see him as more than a flawed version of his old friend!
    • Jossed.
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    • Actually, it's entirely possible that this was true, if internalized. Steve really doesn't like Tony at first, and Tony has a bit of a sibling rivalry complex with Steve--his dad had such respect and affection for this man, yet didn't show any towards Tony.

The Avengers will leave S.H.I.E.L.D.[]

  • The events of the first movie will cause the Avengers to quit in order to work as an autonomous group.
    • Alternately, S.H.I.E.L.D. will consider the Avengers a failure for one reason or another (probably against Fury's wishes) and shut the program down, but Tony and/or Cap will basically say "You can't fire me, I quit!" and reform the group, making it operate out of a Stark-owned mansion in NYC.
    • Jossed.
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Joss Whedon is going to Troll the audience[]

Every Genre Savvy viewer is well-aware of Joss's love for killing off one of the main character, especially in Film franchises. And Joss is well-aware that most viewers are aware of this, so he's going to screw with the audience and have someone killed off before the mid-way point...only for it turn out to be Disney Death. Then he's going to "kill off" someone who can't die, because they'll be future movies, but then it will look like they really are dead... only for them to turn up in a Big Damn Heroes moment.

  • If this does happen then my money is on
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Loki is going to go all I Have You Now, My Pretty on Black Widow[]

He definitely seems to eye bang her in the trailer which I can not blame him for in the slightest but this troper saw a video on set of Johansson wearing what looks like a bright red bed robe. Given who we are talking about this is probably going to end very poorly for him. And it might also give us some nice Fan Service.

  • Jossed.
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Cap will be the one who gets to shout "AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!" in the film's climax.[]

In the comics, whenever that iconic phrased is uttered, it's usually Cap who says it to rally his fellow Avengers against whatever threat they're facing. And given the nature of the threat they're facing, just imagine how freaking amazing it would be to see the Avengers, believed to be beaten and on their last rungs, suddenly rallying together when Captain frigging America shouts out "AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!", thus leading to an-all out epic finale to the movie. I can see many fans rejoicing in the theatres with that one scene.

  • Jossed.
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Cap and Thor will clash over how to handle Loki[]

Cap wants to stop him, Thor wants to protect him. Possibly Cap will come around to Thor's side, as he once had a surrogate brother (Bucky) who he had lost.

  • Then Tony will build an inter-planetary/dimensional communication device, they phone Odin and Loki get's grounded. The rest of the movie is the Avengers hanging out in the break room.
    • Which will be then followed by the Avengers having to fight the Hulk, who gets angry after some minor incident (involving Tony?), which then becomes a full blown fight.

Jenny Agutter's character is Peggy's daughter[]

  • Possibly Falsworth's, too, for maximum Britishness.
    • Jossed. She's apparently gonna play a Obstructive Bureaucrat character that's with the "World Security Council".
      • Assuming she's human, she's got to have parents. Two of them.

Steve will respond to Tony's 'Playboy Genius' boast with an armor-piercing statement[]

  • It'll probably be something pertaining to Tony's father, and might be a bit harsh, but fair.
  • Respond he did.
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Thor vs. Steve happens because...[]

  • A classic superhero misunderstanding on the part of Cap, who's tasked with dealing with the supposed threat by Nick Fury.
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  • In the comics, Loki is known for his mind manipulation, and the situation in the forest could be our favorite Magnificent Bastard Norse God of Lies doing his usual thing in tricking Cap that Thor's an enemy to be taken down.
    • Jossed. According to the movie tie-in storybook
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The scene between Loki and Tony will be actually be a Heartwarming Moment[]

  • Just a guess, but we don't know whether Iron Man is part of the Avengers at this point. This may be the point where Tony unofficially states he's one of the Avengers, while staring down Loki!
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before he blasts Loki.

One or more of the following CMOH will show up[]

  • Mr. Stark and Captain Rogers referring to each other as 'Steve' and 'Tony' for the first time.
  • Someone making arrangements for Steve to go to England to be reunited with Peggy.
    • That depends if they managed to get Hayley Atwell to reprise her role in a surprise cameo. Or, if need be, they can simply imply that Steve goes to meet Peggy at the end. (With the second option, you can easily do the "full" version of the scene in Captain America 2 for those that want closure.)
      • Or Steve goes to England to visit Peggy at the beginning of the movie, having put it off since waking up, only to find that she has died shortly before arrival.
        • Not quite heartwarming.
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  • Thor helping Cap up, accepting the mortal as an equal and worthy warrior at last.
    • We've already seen a snippet of that in the Super Bowl ad, so we're just awaiting full context of that scene.
  • Loki's Heel Realization.
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The giant dragon thing at the end of the latest trailer is...[]

  • Fin Fang Foom?
  • Midgardian Serpent, given that it's Loki heading up the attack...
  • The enemy invaders' warship/weapon of mass destruction.
    • Confirmed
  • Fin Fang Foom is its name and it's also the Midgardian Serpent and its involvement means a Ragnarok plot for Thor 2.
  • A lost Decepticon from the Transformers movies.
  • Serpenterra!
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Part of why this movie was made is to create a universe for all future Marvel Studios movies.[]

Because why not?

  • Pretty sure that was the first Iron Man's job.
    • Iron Man 1 started it, and The Avengers will expand upon it even more.

The Hulk is friends with Tony because of how he treats Bruce Banner[]

  • After getting "forcibly recruited" by S.H.I.E.L.D., Bruce probably got treated as a cross between a ticking time bomb and a potential experiment, so Tony (for all of his teasing) was probably the first person to treat him like a human being. Hence the reason why the Hulk saves Iron Man's life in the trailer.
    • Between the poking and the mocking over turning into a green rage monster, I don't see where treating him like a human being comes from.
      • Perhaps that ends up being character development for Tony, as he learns to treat Banner with more dignity. Either that, or he's just being playful with him. You know how Tony is...
        • Yeah, he's a dick. If anything, Steve seems to treat Banner better, shaking hands with him and rebuking Stark's antics. Could be that Hulk is saving Tony because it's what Cap would want, thereby teaching Tony to get his head out of his ass.
          • In The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, there's one episode where we see Cap telling the Hulk that he is indeed a hero, so maybe we'll have something to that effect in the movie, which leads to that scene Hulk saving Iron Man?
  • Confirmed
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Black Panther will appear in the Captain America Sequel , and Doctor Strange will appear in the Thor sequel to set up appearances in Avengers 2[]

Stan ' the man' Lee would love those 2 in the sequel. And we know how good Marvel films are in seamlessly introducing characters even in cameos. Of course Black Panther would have a Ultimate like version with claws and Doctor Strange would have to be played by Johnny Depp.

  • No. Please no. Get someone else. Depp is permanently stuck in the role of Jack Sparrow.
    • Oded Fehr as Dr Strange. Isaiah Mustafa as Black Panther. Deal sealed.


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    • This does make sense, and Marvel has been pushing Ms Marvel quite hard in recent years.

Robin Sherbatsky is Maria Hill's civilian alias[]

  • Barney, Marshall and Lily appear in the epilogue, in a blink and you'll miss it scene, on one of the news broadcasts. This is the only justification for this idea.

Tony Stark is preparing to finance the Avengers outside of SHIELD.[]

  • Why do you think
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Also note that they don't seem to be in a hurry to put the S, T, R and K on the tower...

Loki took on the Hulk out of hubris.[]

  • Thor's "falling death trap" escape made Loki think that he truly was immortal and perhaps impervious. So why not threaten the most powerful member and prove yourself worthy? Alas, the trickster god is Genre Blind to his own schemes...
    • And/or because Loki was at the end of his rope: injured, tired, disarmed, and psychologically stressed by his plan starting to unravel. He probably didn't have the energy left to do much other than monologue.

The Avengers Initiative and SHIELD are a part of UNIT.[]

  • That helicarrier that they use looks quite similar to the Valiant from the Whoniverse. So who's to say that it's not actually from the same universe? After all, both SHIELD and UNIT get involved in protecting the Earth from extraterrestrial threats. I bet they're part of the same organisation.
    • Wait, SHIELD (first appearance: 1965) and the Helicarrier (again, 1965) both predate UNIT, so wouldn't it be the other way around?
      • And in setting, SHIELD's predecessor, the SSR, dates back to 1941. . .

== The Avengers movie has, and the following movies will have, a subtle theme of the

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  • In the Avengers, Loki's Staff/spear
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      • Were those the true gems? Maybe like some artifacts placed in a museum, the Asgardians just put fake gems in the gauntlet for display purposes. And about the staff, it is speculated to use the same type of energy used by the Tesseract, not necessarily powered by the Tesseract itself. Captain America says it's like one of Hydra's energy weapons more than anything.
        • Except they weren't in a display, they were in a weapons vault guarded by the Destroyer and the other artifacts in there are real. And Selvig says the control rod is powered by the Tesseract to the Black Widow. And Hydra's weapons were powered by the Tesseract.
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        • Except that's not the version actually in the movie, the version in Thor has the big blue gem in it [1].
        • To my knowledge, there has been no specific indication of how much time has passed between Thor and The Avengers. But clearly, some time has passed. In the meantime, the Gauntlet has been sitting in Odin's vault, a vault that has recently been robbed of its primary guardian after Thor trashed the Destroyer. And the guy who would want the Gauntlet happens to have as his minion, a trickster god who knows several back doors into Asgard that could get him in and out without being noticed. Keep in mind, we have no idea what is going on in Asgard after Thor's movie ends. There's a very good chance that something happened in the meantime.

Tony Stark is The Heart of The Avengers team. (Well, A Heart.)[]

  • It's not immediately obvious, since at first Tony displays few of The Heart's sterling qualities: he's aggressively arrogant with almost everyone he meets here, he rushes in headfirst and brushes off early attempts at battle planning and teamwork, and half his teammates don't like him (Steve, Thor) or find him exasperating (Natasha, Fury, Coulson).
    • But Tony's also the most insistent that SHIELD be honest with its intentions, that advanced technology should not be made into weapons, and that the Avengers are not soldiers or weapons to be deployed blindly at government will.
    • He's the first person to genuinely reach out to Bruce Banner with empathy and respect, encouraging him to accept his "condition" as a gift that can help people. Tony's the only person who believes Bruce will join them for the final battle,
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    • Finally, the climax of the final battle is
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    • Tony's role as The Heart is complicated: Tony's breaking the team apart more often than bringing it together like a proper Heart, and he shares the role with
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Steve, who as The Good Captain is always the moral center of the Avengers. But while The Hero Steve keeps the team together,  The Lancer Tony made sure the team was worth forming in the first place.

There's something going on with Nick Fury's left eye.[]

Agent Phil Coulson will be reborn as The Vision[]

  • Tony hints of a "Life Model Decoy" when Coulson tries to contact him. And considering that the Vision can change brain patterns.....
  • There could be some merit to this.
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But, after the medical team arrives on scene and

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    • Wait a minute now. Did we actually here the medics say it, or just Fury say that they called it?

And with SHIELD having this hi-tech helicarrier with hi-tech equipment on board, who knows what happened in the med-bay? What if Marvel is planning to bring back Agent Coulson as Vision?

It's said at least 3 times in The Avengers that Coulson was dating a cellist. Guess who's a cellist in the Marvel Universe? Wanda Maximoff aka The Scarlett Witch. And who is Scarlett Witch's husband in the comics? Vision, the human/synthetic reincarnation of a dead hero. both are Avengers.

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Gregg's contract is for more films than he's been in so far,

and while the original Vision was an android created by Ultron, so far Marvel hasn't been afraid to change certain details to fit the story.

Now you may be thinking, "But Fox currently holds the right to use mutants." But that isn't necessarily the complete truth. Kevin Feige brought this up at the red carpet premiere. According to him, both Marvel and Fox have rights to Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver jointly. I'm guessing the deal is that Marvel can't refer to them as 'mutants' and connect them to Magneto or the X-Men in any way, while Fox can't refer to them as being associated with The Avengers.

What's even more interesting is that he brought up those two characters specifically as characters who could appear in Avengers 2. why would he mention Scarlet Witch now? It all seems too good to be a coincidence.

From here on, it can only be noted that talking about any possible developments in this series will have a high probability of ending in frustration. I mean, we know who's been holding the strings.


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  • Ok. At the end of The First Avenger, Skull is burnt alive by the Tesseract and undergoes what looks a lot like a Bifrost transport. The Avengers establishes that the Tesseract can open a portal to the far reaches of space. The theory is that Skull is transported to wherever
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hail from, whereupon 
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takes him on as a servant. The Other's physical dissimilarities to Skull can be explained however one likes- genetic alteration, damage from the Tesseract itself or the transportion process. His age (and continued survival after seventy years) can be explained by Erskin's serum, which was explictly mentioned to provide Cap's cells with a protective layer of healing (hence why he can't get drunk).
    • Isn't that an awful lots of arbitrary 'could be explained by'? I think its much more likely that
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    • If the
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== Tony knows

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  • Tony seems to have a revelation when looking at
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right before he starts on his rant about Loki's ego being similar to his own. Maybe he was beginning to suspect that Fury was lying about 
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. Additionally during his talk with Loki, Tony uses present tense to refer to

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. Now this could just be nothing but still, it's odd. He was also one of the first people to suspect Fury was lying about

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  • By SHIELD, to save his life (and have a trustworthy superhuman as a nice bonus). Or maybe having been
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has nasty side effects. One way or another, he'll become orange, superpowered, and eventually be instrumental to defeating 
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. And yes, this assumes

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has an 
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, as per another WMG above.

== The next move of

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  • Very basic reasoning. The Tesseract can open a door to
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area of space, from either end. At the end of the Avengers, both the Tesseract and 
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Infinity Gauntlet are sitting in Asgard, he's got an obvious motivation to get his hands on both objects, and Earth has just shown it's not an easy target, so 
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is unlikely to strike it again soon without his cosmic toys. What do you want to bet the plot of Thor 2 or Avengers 2 involves an invasion of Asgard by 
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