The B-Movie Comic is based on a long, proud history of So Bad It's Good movies. It mostly follows the exploits of a Ragtag Bunch of Misfits who have thus far been engaged in fighting mummies and zombies (though this story-line appears to be mostly concluded, we'll have to wait and see what comes next). This does change a little bit when a lot of the main characters disappear /die for a large chunk near the end of this arc, only to be replaced by another set of mistfits, who promptly disappear when the originals came back from the dead.
The originals include Professor Dr., Snuka, Biff Boffenheimer, and Mopey.
The B-Movie Comic provides examples of:[]
General tropes
- The Chew Toy (Lee, who plays Snuka)
- DVD Commentary
- No Budget (the director is aplty-named Nolan Nobucks)
- The Rant: One of the major interests of the comic. Without it, many of the visual jokes in the page would be lost.
- Special Effects Failure: In-Universe
- Stylistic Suck: lots of it.
Tropes in the first movie "Revenge of Rutentuten":
- Insulted Awake
- Mummy
- The Coroner Doth Protest Too Much: The Pharaoh and his queen's deaths.
Tropes in the second movie, "Attack of the [Description withheld in order not to spoil the surprise]Angels.":
- An Aesop
- Anvilicious: In-Universe here.
- Arc Fatigue: The second movie's storyline lasted a good six years. Which is considerably longer than the first chapter was.
- Attack of the 50 Foot Whatever
- Batman
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: Snuka.
- From a Certain Point of View
- Invisible Streaker: In order for Snuka to be invisible.
- Lonely Funeral
- Masked Luchador: El Lightning Blue.
- Shoot the Messenger
- Stripperific: Snuka spends most of the story arc wearing what amounts to a workout bra and jeans that are so baggy they might as well just be leg warmers.
- Villain Decay: In-Universe.
- Wondrous Ladies' Room
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: The informer at the end's Sequel Hook.
- Zombie Apocalypse
Tropes in the third movie "20,000 leeks below the surface of the ocean":
- Atlantis (in the form of a Domed Hometown Underwater City)
- Axis Powers Hetalia: here.
- Blah Blah Blah: Captain Emo's rank as heard by Sephy.
- Daydream Surprise: Ludicrous speed here.
- Intellectually Supported Tyranny
- Not as You Know Them: In this chapter, many of the characters like Mopey and Buff look noticeably completely different. This can usually be expected from a B-movie sequel.
- The Remnant: On the island of Toblerone.
- Retirony
- Sea Monster
- Smoking Hot Sex: Mopey's flashback.
- Welcome to Corneria: There are many guards in the castle... and no castle.