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Since Stan and Jan Berenstain populated their books with Loads and Loads of Characters, it's natural that they'd get their own character sheet.

The Bear Family[]

Papa Bear[]

First appearance: The Big Honey Hunt


  • Bumbling Dad: Sometimes, but he has been shown to be the voice of reason just as frequently.

Mama Bear[]

First appearance: The Big Honey Hunt

Small Bear / Brother Bear[]

The firstborn cub in the family. Originally named Small Bear in the earliest books, his name changed following Sister's birth.

First appearance: The Big Honey Hunt

Sister Bear[]

First appearance: New Baby

Honey Bear[]

First appearance: And Baby Makes Five


The family's seldom-seen pet dog. First appearance: The Trouble with Pets


Gramps and Gran[]

First appearance: The Sitter


  • Embarrassing First Name: Not really embarrassing, but in one of the Scouts books, Gramps' real name is revealed to be Ernest.
  • Only Sane Man: Gramps showed this in the Scouts books. He would often be the only adult bear to see through Ralph's scams.


Brother and Sister's cousin.

Other Cubs[]

Lizzy Bruin[]

Sister's best friend. First appearance: The Trouble with Friends

Queenie McBear[]

Too-Tall Grizzly[]

The local bully at Bear Country Elementary. Sometimes cons Brother into helping him with his pranks.

Other Beartown Citizens[]

Mayor Horace J. Honeypot[]


  • Porky Pig Pronunciation: He tends to get the fronts and backs of his words mixed up. (Example: "What beems to see the bubble - er, seems to be the trouble?")

Professor Actual Factual[]

Farmer Ben[]

The local farmer.

Raffish Ralph / Ralph Ripoff[]

A con artist who is Beartown's leading crook and swindler. Papa is his favorite sucker since he always falls for his scams. First appearances: "The Terrible Termite" (TV series), The Prize Pumpkin (books).


  • Canon Foreigner: Originally appeared in the TV series and then made a cameo appearance in The Prize Pumpkin. Later became a recurring antagonist of the Scouts chapter books.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: In one episode of the cartoon, he actually refused to assist McGreed in his scheme for that episode.
  • Honest John's Dealership
  • I Have Many Names: Possible reason for his name being different in the Scouts books.


A giant bear who lives in a mountain cave outside of Beartown. As his name suggests, he is the series' Fictional Counterpart of Bigfoot.

Other Animals[]

Weasel McGreed[]

The leader of an underground pack of weasels who schemes to - you guessed it - take over the world Bear Country.

  • Of Course!
