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- The Psalm David wrote in response to Jonathan's and Saul's death. As well as the enormous Heroic Blue Screen of Death he had when he learned about it.
- The way David wept for Absalom, especially considering David would have lost his throne and possibly his life if Absalom had won.
- Jesus' death. Even if you're not a Christian, you've gotta feel for the guy. Some of his miracles, too. Specially when he revived a poor little girl. And when he wept before he revived his old friend Lazarus.
- Even Worse? People have speculated that he was weeping not because Lazarus had died, (he knew he could bring him back if God wanted), but because he was going to have to take him away from heaven. He cared about him so much that he didn't want him to have to come back and suffer death on Earth again.
- I always assumed that Jesus crying before the grave of his friend Lazarus was proof once and for all that he was human and not just the Son of God taking the form of a human, Jesus felt human emotions and pains just as we do. As a human Jesus was weeping over the tyranny of death and how it had claimed his friend, just because he knew God could bring his friend back doesn't mean he couldn't still feel sorrow over the loss of his friend and sympathize with the family of Lazarus who likewise suffered such sorrow. In his humanity Jesus wept for Lazarus, but as a God He brought him back from the dead.
- Even Worse? People have speculated that he was weeping not because Lazarus had died, (he knew he could bring him back if God wanted), but because he was going to have to take him away from heaven. He cared about him so much that he didn't want him to have to come back and suffer death on Earth again.
- 2 Timothy. Knowing that he'll be executed soon, Paul urges Timothy, who he calls his son, to hurry to Rome so they can see each other before he, Paul, dies.
- Ezra reading the book of the law in front of a crowd of truly repentant Jews.
- Crosses over with Fridge Horror, but, when properly examined, the Book of Ecclesiastes was basically a book written by the dude who had been given the gift of Wisdom from God...and it's totally depressing. The last two verses do bring up some degree of hope though.
- Moses dying just before he reaches the promised land, alone with his dream home forever out of reach. Very depressing end for a prophet of God.
- ...Until you get to the New Testament, where Jesus talks to him on the mountain with Elijah. The mountain was in the promised land, so Moses did get his wish, AND he got to talk to Jesus, it just took a little while.
- Jesus' saying on the cross, "My God, my God why have you forsaken me?" This is sad on many levels when you take time to analyze it. Jesus being the sacrificial lamb for humanity means that he has had sin placed on him to bare for our sake, God the Father cannot be in the presence of sin so he must cut off ties with Jesus. Jesus being the Son of God has had an eternal relationship with the Father you and I can't comprehend and for the first time that connection has been cut off, the sheer agony of losing his connection with the Father was greater than the pain of the Cross itself. When you look at that saying from this point of view it solidifies how lonely Jesus was, his friends had betrayed or abandoned him in his time of need and his own Heavenly Father has cut off their bond on the Cross, Jesus felt a terrible loneliness unlike any other.
- Depending on whether or not you agree with him, G. K. Chesterton sees this as Fridge Brilliance. In his final moments, Jesus essentially forsakes God, making him an atheist. Combined with him now atoning for all sin, Jesus is sent to Hell where he proceeds to save the souls of the damned and put Satan in his place...making it a weird win for atheism.
- I thought denying God when you know he exists makes you a Nay Theist? Besides isn't that Jesus simply being in sorrow over being cut off from a relationship with the Father that he had always had? It would be like if your own human Father suddenly abandoned you and you asked him why he forsake you.
- Depending on whether or not you agree with him, G. K. Chesterton sees this as Fridge Brilliance. In his final moments, Jesus essentially forsakes God, making him an atheist. Combined with him now atoning for all sin, Jesus is sent to Hell where he proceeds to save the souls of the damned and put Satan in his place...making it a weird win for atheism.
- In the Book of Genesis when Adam and Eve were told to leave the Garden of Eden after they sinned. They were to work hard for their survival, Eve had to feel the pain of childbirth, they were to grow old, and return to the dust that they originated from. Though it gives a hopeful prediction that God would send one of Eve's offspring to destroy the old serpent Satan. Though it is a Bittersweet Ending, though.