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- Keyblademaster333
Main Character: Emil |
One of Six mods, Key is a kind and funny person best known for his silly antics on skype. Joined in Arc 1 but quickly made himself one of the major Rper's after joining. His main franchise is Tales of though his stand out series is Bleach with Rukia and Kampfer with Sakura. Current creator of the Persona Rp Nightmare Requiem
- Action Girl: His four female characters, Sakura,Aqua, Rukia and Judith are this.
- Action Hero: Most of his characters are some form of this. In fact, he has 6 main lead types, the most of any Rper.
- Badass Minds Think Alike: He and Sora tend to have these moments.
- Beware the Silly Ones: The silliest person in the RP, but can easly become defensive and mean if pushed. His characters also can be this but Rua takes the cake.
- Big Bad Wannabe: Played with. All of his villains are deadly and can be a major big bad, but instead, they are a big bad to a specific group or person such as Vanitas targeting people Ventus travels with or Aqua. Subverted though with Adachi who plays this straight if you've played the original game.
- The Big Guy: Doubles as this and Gentle Giant.
- Character Development: Started off as a quiet and shy Rp who quickly became social and friendly. His stance on Yaoi and Yuri has changed, once morally against it but now knowing people like it and puts up wth it for his friends.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Makes jokes that members of the Rp would find perverted but is actually not perverted.
- Deadpan Snarker: One of two members who seems to excel in sarcasm, the other being Sora. In fact, he and Sora jokingly team up to troll other members in Skype calls.
- For the Evulz: His four main villains, Vanitas, Adachi, Sakura and, Dark Kain each are these. Dark Kain is a slight subversion due to being Kain's repressed emotions and is not as evil as Vanitas.
- Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?: Has to requently remind Mel that he is in fact, straight. She denies it.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: See Deadpan Snarker for more. He's a good person even if he comes across as a jerk.
- Kid Hero: Rua, Emil, and Simon.
- Large Ham: And loves every minute of it!
- Loads and Loads of Characters: Has the most characters in the Biogate, and has only dropped one character in his whole year of being in!
- Man of a Thousand Voices: Can do tons of voices from Yugioh The Abridged Series and Dragonball Z Abridged. Not only that, he's a aspiring voice actor too.
- Nerves of Steel: One of the more straight examples in the skype calls. Almost never dies of laughter and can easily keep a straight face when other people lose it.
- Nice Guy: One of the nicest people in the group.
- Not So Different: With Ice.
- The Hero: Many of his characters are the Hero from their respective game. With a total of 6, he has some of the most.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Red Oni to Ice's Blue Oni's.
- Shipper on Deck: Likes to ship odding pairings for laughs. Most of the pairings involved with his characters were actually his idea.
- Would Hit a Girl: Not himself but his evil characters all would. Vanitas, and Adachi would for the same reason as For the Evulz while Sakura only will do it to fight Kampfers. Dark Kain would but only if they attack.
- Ice Enchantress 09
Main Character:Raine |
One of the three founding mods, Ice is one of the biggest Tales of fans in the Biogate. Despite loving Tales of, she loves other games and anime as well. Her standout character is Eve from Black Cat and Jiyuu from Ninja Girl:The Secret of the Lovely Eyepatch.
- Action Girl: With only a few males, all of her females count as one.
- Action Hero: Zelos, Genis, and Kenzan are this.
- Beware the Nice Ones: One of the nicest people in the group, Ice can easily one of the meaniest if pushed. Character wise, Jiyuu fits this perfectly.
- Big Bad: So far all of her villains have been this. Mithos is a subversion, she intended for Mithos to not bug people, only doing a little damage but people ended up visiting the tower and bugging him.
- Chivalrous Pervert: It's ZELOS! If he wasn't this, there would be riots in the streets of Neo Domino!
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Averted surprisingly, Zelos has no once btrayed the group and Mithos doesn't do this once either. Yuan likewise hasn't.
- Deadpan Snarker: Not as much as Key or Sora, but has her moments.
- Foe Yay: Genis's main reason for becoming evil? He's jealous someone took Mithos from him.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: Right behind Key in this. Ice has 24 while Key has 25. However, if counting all of the characters that were dropped or killed, She would have the most.
- The Medic: Her favorite type of character to Rp as, along side The Cleric. Raine is a obvious sign of that.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Zelos thinks wearing a mask that shows his eyes and most of his face, will hide him.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Case and point, Zelos got Teddie of all people to go along and Teddie now wears a pink version of his normal shirt.
- Secret Identity: Yuan is refered to as the Man of Science and makes no attempt to get rid of it. Points to Zelos for trying to use a Mask in the Smackdown to hide his face but Judith easly saw through it.
- Team Mom: Tries to keep things nice and good between everyone and cares for everyone. See the above Beware the Nice Ones for more.
- Sorathekeyblademaster
Main Character: Yosuke |
One of the mods. Sora is the most recent mod to join though one of the longest members of the Biogate. Silly, goofy and very sarcastic, he is somewhat shy but otherwise is one of the talkative Mods on. His main franchise is Persona 3/4 though his standout series is Jade from Tales of The Abyss, being his only Tales of character in The Biogate.
- Beware the Quiet Ones: Sora is fairly shy but if someone pushes him, much like Ice, he will go all out.
- Blow You Away: Yosuke is a example but Sora is one too. He almost always makes a Orginal Character have a wind element.
- Casanova Wannabe: Most of his male characters are this. Teddie and Yosuke both try to be this but don't do as well.
- Deadpan Snarker: He and Key are the two most sarcastic people in the group. See Key's Deadpan Snarker for more info.
- Everything's Better with Spinning: Will randomly spin in his chair and make sure he tells the skype calls.
- Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?: Just like Key, he has to remind Mel that he is straight. Sounds like Yosuke.
- Ho Yay:He can Key easily go back and forth like this, jokingly of course. This really only happends when Key calls Sora "Joey".
- Jack of All Trades: His favorite kind of character to play, Yosuke being a prime example.
- The Sleepless: Borderline case. He often goes all nighters and only gets A HOUR of sleep. Sometimes its even less and he still goes on like its nothing.
- Large Ham: Not as much as Key, who probably takes the cake for it, but has his moments.
- The Stoic: His almost dry voice lets him sound very bored and uncaring when he wants to. See Deadpan Snarker for more.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: He and Silver can best be described this way. Hilarious in Hindsight seeing as Sora plays Yosuke and Silver plays Chie. The same could be said for him and Key, which almost doubles as Hoe Yay due to their antics.
- Shadowkeykeeper or Moki
Main Character: Tied for Yusei and Judai |
The one responsible for creating the Biogate and all of the Rp's assoicated with it. Moki along with Ice are the two main founders though, as stated, Moki is the offical owner. Quiet but nice, Moki is the go to person for the Biogate. She, along with Key, are the current owners of the new Persona Rp made by the same group called Persona Nightmare Requiem.
- Action Hero: Mainly plays male's so all of them fit this. Yusei though takes the cake due to being able to fight physically and having Signer powers.
- Badass Adorable: Probably the most defining trait about Moki. All of her characters are adorable to some extent. Ruka, Fluttershy, Koromaru, and the Robot Unicorn more so.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Probably one of the more noticable examples. Moki is usual quiet, nice and understanding but when she gets pissed, she can get really pissed!
- Deadpan Snarker: She isn't as much as Sora or Key, but like Ice, has her moments.
- Every Thing Is Better With Princesses: Or it would be if Yusei was really a Princess.
- So Unfunny It's Funny: Bruno's jokes are this.In character, he makes jokes that aren't really funny such as insulting Rukia's art skills and to saying Rise was having a baby. Amoung the group though his jokes are actually really funny because they are generally bad.
- Devaliousl
An awkward chap with a tendency to run into unfortunate events. His main franchise (Spanning a single character) Is Touma From To Aru Majutsu no Index, conveniently enough, this also stands as his standout series being the only one from it!
- The Hero: Many of his characters, in fact ALL of them are main characters of their respective series. Souji (Persona 4), Touma (To aru), and Yuri (Vesperia).
- Blessed with Suck: Right hand feels nothing, so he gets injured in some form without realizing it (Sound like anyone?)
- Big Eater: Tends to eat enough to feed several families without even realizing it!
- Inappropriate Hunger: If traveling in a group that stumbles upon something morbid or disgusting, tends to ask for insta-ramen!
- I Ate What?: Eats without thinking, generally responding to an inedible object with a simple "Meh" followed by stomach pains.
- Duct Tape for Everything: Fixes any issue with this mythical object of divine origins.
- Taking Up the Mantle: Became a mod following Quatlina's inactivity. Also takes Sora's job as the new mod.
- What Could Possibly Go Wrong?: If something can go wrong, it ALWAYS does, guaranteed for him.
- Nice Guy: Never seems to be angered with anything unless seriously provoked.
- Trash of the Titans: Room is covered in old pizza boxes and soda cans, and even though he cleans it weekly, for some reason it comes straight back.
- Collector of the Strange: Picks up random object whenever he leaves the house, although typically they disappear without a trace the following day.
- Badass: Basically all of his characters. (Excluding Touma.)
- The Other Darrin: Another Yuri? what is this nonsense.
- Badass Normal: Touma being one of the most normal characters (Aside from his hand), takes down an arcana shadow basically by himself.
- One-Man Army: See badass normal.
- Dynamic Entry: Within literal minutes, Touma is thrown on to a train and forced to fight arcana shadows. It ends awesomely.
Joined in Arc 1[]
- Death The Kid-Sama
Main character: Jack Atlas |
Much like Silver, Death, or Mel as she's offten called, is a long time member of the Biogate and one of the more prominate members. Her standout character Jak and Daxter.
- Badass Normal: By the standards of other Rper's, Mel tends to avoid cross ser's for her characters. As a result, most of her characters are this though Kamina is this only because he is 100% normal and only has a mecha.
- Dynamic Entry:Luke and Reyva/Gig get ready to fight a Metal-Saur, only for Kamina to land on it in Gurren, crushing it. Talk about a entrance.
- Fantastic Racism: Jack hates Mithos and often lets his anger towards him affect his thoughts of the Chosen. Yusei calls him out on this a few times
- Ho Yay:Is a big fan of this but keeps it tame.
- Hot-Blooded: She plays Jack and Kamina, need more be said?
- Let's Get Dangerous:Kamina and Jack are fierce when they need to be but Jak outdoes them all when he uses Dark Jak.
- Silver_Contrails
Main Character: Aki Izayoi |
One of the first to join the roleplay, she started out shy and quiet, but now chats up a storm. Her main franchise is Persona 3/4, with her standout series being Sollux Captor from Homestuck, the only Homestuck character in The Biogate.
- Action Girl: Aki Izayoi, Chie Satonaka, and Princess Zelda, along with Ahiru and Rosalina (who were later dropped) fall under her control.
- Amnesiac Lover: After the events of Arc 1, when Yusei and Aki confessed their love for each other, Yusei lost his memories. They haven't had much interaction after the incident.
- And I Must Scream: Happened with Aki when she was trapped within the Cruxis Crystal
- Beware the Silly Ones: She tends to mess around with everyone and laugh. A lot. Most of the time over things that aren't too funny.
- Blood on These Hands: Happened to Aki after Schwann sacrificed himself to kill Mithos. She didn't kill him, but the police officers seem to think she did.
- Everything's Better with Princesses: At one point, she had three under her control.
- He Is Not My Boyfriend: Chie with Yosuke. She denies it every time.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She tends to say some mean things, but she means well and she'll always try to make everyone smile.
- Kid Hero: Link definitely falls under this.
- Lady and Knight: Zelda to Flynn.
- Lady of War: Almost every female character she has, if not all.
- Nice Girl: She's usually nice, even when it doesn't seem like it.
- Not So Different: With Mel.
- The Hero: Has characters who are this.
- Shipper on Deck: Has a plethora of OT Ps for various series, mainly yaoi pairings but many straight pairings as well.
- Would Hit a Girl: If the situation calls for it.
- Yugian_Uzumaki
Main Character: The Sundown Kid |
Joined near the end of act 1, He quickly settled in with the rest of the group as a friend. Kind, funny, and with a personal code of honor, lives life right on the second. Notable for having an obscure character, The Sundown Kid. Also has Patchouli & Hong Meiling.
- Brilliant but Lazy: The first part of very much subjective. The second part is a definite.
- Chaotic Good: Fluxates here and there.
- Determinator: In real life, he is this. If he does yield ever, be very afraid.
- Gentle Giant: He's 6'7, and a very peaceful person.
- Guile Hero: Very good with his words, to the point he could be a Manipulative Bastard. Only that he's not evil/a dick.
- Ninja: No, He's Not.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue Oni to hanzo.
- We Do the Impossible: Prides himself on his ability to do this constantly.
Joined in Arc 2[]
- Devaliousl
See Mods for full info.
- Hanzo K.
An eccentric fellow with a fondness for large amounts of food. Frequently bemoans his inability to gain weight. Also gripes about how irritating either his younger sister, or the weather can get.
- Achievements in Ignorance: Once managed to hack his own computer into submission by sheer dumb luck. He still has no idea to this day as to how he did what he did.
- Adaptive Ability: A Weak example. His style of fighting(should he need to, not that he ever has needed to.) largely revolves around witnessing an opponent's moves, and copying them for himself. Needless to say, this makes him quite adaptable when going against someone who uses said techniques.
- Angrish: Frequently lapses into this when things go south for him.
- Alien Lunch: Can, and WILL, mix various ingredients to make his classic Large Meals, which can often overlap with...
- Big Eater: Frequently eats copious amounts of food for kicks.
- Blinding Bangs: His hair was very much an example of this in his early years. It's eased off into a more normal sort of long hair now.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Often comments about his boredom in variously bizarre ways. Also tends to make exclamations of "Tuna!" at odd times.
- Cheshire Cat Grin / Psychotic Smirk / Slasher Smile: His usual expression when in a good mood. You can tell just how cheerful he is based on which one he's using.
- Calvin Ball: This could be an accurate description of what goes on in his mind. overlaps with Insane Troll Logic.
- Cluster F-Bomb: Offline, he frequently lapses into either this, or Angrish.
- Deadpan Snarker: Frequently has cases of volleying snark with another R Per, Yugian.
- Drink Order: Is hardly ever without either a soda of just about any flavor. (Apple is a preferred one.)
- Failing that, he'll have a coffee, usually a Hazelnut Latte.
- Expy / Your Mileage May Vary: A friend of his once referred to him as "The Real-life Version of L." Take that as you will.
- Evil Laugh: Tends to make quite hammy ones when cooking.
- Fragile Speedster: In terms of ability to take a solid hit, he's quite weak. But he makes up for it by being nimble.
- Genius' Sweet Tooth: Has been able to comprehend the Theory of Relativity since he was five, and has been reading since two. Frequently gorges himself on sweets whenever he gets the chance.
- Genius Ditz: Has moments of surprising lucidity in terms of intelligence, but generally forgets what his demented mind was going on about no more than three minutes after he's started thinking about something else.
- Knowledge Broker / Someday This Will Come in Handy:
- He has a vast mental repository of various small facts, and is perpetually on the lookout for new facts to add. It just depends on if he can remember them or not. Usually he can be counted on for small bits of advice or tips on something just about anyone might be doing.
- Indy Ploy: When faced with something he has no knowledge on, he generally resorts to this. Often results in It Seemed Like a Good Idea At the Time!
- Large Ham: Particularly so during his moments of Hotbloodedness.
- Lethal Chef: This trope, which overlaps with One-Note Cook.
- One-Note Cook: Is surprisingly skilled at making Sandwiches, Fried Sandwiches, HUGE Sandwiches, and Instant Ramen. Everything else though...
- Oven Logic: Has been known to bust a microwave when making popcorn. Oops?
- Insane Troll Logic: Often comes to bizarre conclusions with seemingly no basis in common sense whatsoever.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Again, with Yugian. Hanzo is the Red one of the pair.
- Rebellious Spirit: Come on, he's Chaotic Neutral. What'd you expect? A pizza?
- Surrounded by Idiots: His reason for being a self-made case of The Hermit.
- Skyward Scream / Say My Name: Has been using a laptop that was loaned to him by a friend. It uses Vista. It regularly locks up and has to be put through a reboot to resume functionality. Generally happens when he's Doing something important, like making a Biogate Post. Overlaps with Angrish.
- Hot-Blooded: In spades. If he's not being weird, he's this.
- Hero with an F In Good / Noble Demon / Jerk with a Heart of Gold / Ambiguously Evil /(Mostly)Harmless Villain:
- He's a nice guy and all, he just has a very strange way of showing it.
- Large Ham: Particularly so during his moments of Hotbloodedness.
- Mad Scientist: Can often be seen as this by his family when he gets into the kitchen and starts cooking.
- Nice Hat: Is rarely without his trademark Bucket Hat.
- Playing Against Type: For a guy who prefers to play Hot-Blooded male characters like Domon Kasshu, he's surprisingly good at playing as Remilia Scarlet.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Sandwiches, much like The Heavy. He's usually the go-to guy to ask about these in fact!
- The Prankster: Frequently enjoys a good laugh at the expense of others.
- Tim Taylor Technology: On himself no less. His opinion is that if something's not getting the job done, just use more of it. This can apply to cooking, moving things, and just about anything.
- Collector of the Strange: Has a marked fondness for picking up random things on his regular walks.
- Absent-Minded Professor: He really is a relatively smart guy, he's just very forgetful.
- Men Can't Keep House: Is notably poor at cleaning up after himself, due to the aforementioned status as an Absent-Minded Professor.
- Noodle People: A real-life example. He's quite skinny, dangerously so. Despite his huge appetite, he's remained like this all his life.
- Obfuscating Insanity: Arguably, his eccentricities could just be a ruse to hide the fact that he's really just a shell of the Happy-Go Lucky Guy he once was.
- The Gadfly: Enjoys a little trolling from time to time, but generally keeps it to the level of helpful(?) trolling.
- For the Lulz / Step Three: Profit: Nearly all his schemes, plans, or anything in general that he does tends to fall under these.
- Chaotic Neutral: Hanzo in a nutshell.
- Pungeon Master: Has been referred to as "Almost As Bad As Shuji Ikutsuki".bloody huge?!"]]
- Senshi Xion
Main Character: Tie between Terra and Riku for now |
Joining toward the end of Arc 2, she goes by the name Akane. Her main series is Kingdom Hearts, as seen by her only characters at the moment, but she also is a big Final Fantasy buff.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Her brother Joey says she's the last part but she keeps many of her paring ideas tame. Still...
- Crutch Character: Not a meta example actually. She joined with two very powerful characters at the end of Arc 2 making her somewhat of a crutch character player.
- Genius Ditz: Ditz sometimes, but genius all the rest of the time.
- Fangirl: She loves MANY things, but keeps it tame. Unless her brother is in the room…
- Flanderization: Jokingly done to Terra when she said that she needed to make him act more emo.
- Kid Hero: Riku fits this.
- Man of a Thousand Voices: More like “woman.” But she is also an aspiring voice actor. Ironically this how she met Key.
- More Than Mind Control: Completely fits Terra and Riku.
- Nice Gal: She’s extremely nice. Exploding and backstabbing isn’t her thing.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: She seems to be the blue Oni to her brother's red Oni.
- The Hero: At least, Terra was a hero of Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. Riku still is a hero in the series.
- The Hyena: She laughs at everything! No joke!
- The Other Darrin: Believe or not, she's not the first Kingdom Hearts Terra, thouh she certainly is the first actually good one.