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  • For the Dungeons and Dragons review, ERod was about to bust the movie, when the normally shy Nerdlinger goes with a sword and busts it in full angry nerd-rage. Even ERod was impressed by this.
  • In Jumper review, ERod teleports to another place where he runs the DVD over with a truck.
  • At the end of Halloween Havoc 2011, Erod busts Eclipse, Red Riding Hood and Little Vampire with a chainsaw.
  • Also, at the end of his X-3 review, ERod gives us a montage of clips from the movies...set to the 90's cartoon theme. Hell. YES.
  • Meta example: how about the fact that Erod had run out of money to sustain himself, and was consequently going to be evicted from his home. With a week's notice prior to this, the guy's only thought was that, since his next video was likely to be his last, he'd better make it goddamn incredible. The fact that making another video was even on his mind at his time blows me away - whatever you might say about him, this is a guy who clearly loves his fans. The Determinator indeed.

   Angry Joe: "Fine then, I'll go play The Witcher 2 BY MYSELF!" (leaves with a bottle of lotion)


  • In his Sucker Punch review, having the grace to admit he didn't get it. With all the Hate Dumb surrounding this movie, that means a lot to those of us who actually like it.