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Main Cast[]
Eric "ERod" Rodriguez, The Blockbuster Buster[]
- Adult Child: Often rampages about nostalgic movies and series being ruined by Hollywood, but the biggest fact is that he still plays and voices with his dolls, I mean, action figures. Lampshaded in the Channel Awesome Holidays greetings.
- Ascended Fanboy: ERod admits to be a fanboy himself and started doing reviews with hopes of being part of That Guy With The Glasses and made some videos parodying the site didn't pick him yet. He eventually succeeds.
- Badass in Distress: When captured by Evil-E.
- Badass Latino
ERod: You know, Evil-E. There’s something else that I’ve never told anyone else about the source of my powers. I’m also fuelled by rage. And guess what? You just pissed me off. Lucille! To me! *Escapes from being chained up in the Null Void* |
- Caustic Critic
- The Cutie: Lil' ERod in a Smurfs costume and outfit.
- Distracted by the Sexy: Happens for reviews with sexy females in the cast.
- The Spirit has him distracting over Eva Mendes, Scarlett Johansson and Paz Vega before realizing all the plot holes in the movie.
- Hannah Montana gives him Vanessa Williams.
- Also Salma Hayek makes him forget his complaint about her role in Wild Wild West.
- The Hero
- Iconic Item: His hammer Lucile and his skull ring.
- Large Ham
- Limited Wardrobe: While he usually wears the same jacket, the t-shirt is different every time (but it is always black).
- Older Than He Looks: And he looks so much like he's in his 20s.
- One of Us: Judging by frequent shout outs to known tropes in his videos, including Meet Cute and Sequelitis.
- Real Men Wear Pink: : Invoked and lampshaded in few ocassions
- In the TMNT casting couch, ERod says he watched General Hospital soap opera.
- Recognizes Genie Francis in Thunderbirds and tries to reference it as the show with the most rated wedding scene in history.
- He recognizes Tim Gunn from Project Runway in The Smurfs movie, only to lampshade this by presenting a random explosion.
- Squee: Enters in fanboy hysteria if Sarah Michelle Gellar is on screen. Also points this again with Catherine Tate, only dropping to the floor when mentioning Sarah Michelle Gellar again.
ERod:*After hitting himself after a WTF moment* Was Sarah Michelle Gellar here? |
- Adorkable
- Adult Child: For Gulliver's Travels, he's shown playing with his action figures and Lupa (Bt VS's Willow doll) is the ultimate hero.
- Allergic To Girls: Poor Nerdlinger. He's so vulnerable to scantily clad ladies that he covers his eyes at best and downright faints at worse. He even faints at the only mention of Obscurus Lupa name and poster.
- Characterization Marches On: Compairing him with his first appearance in the second episode, Nerlinger gradually became more energetic and showed a wider range of emotions compared to the other characters in the show.
- Last-Name Basis: You don't find out his full name until nearly 100 episodes in.
- Overly Long Name: (Borderline example) Eustace Xavier Aloysius Nerdlinger the third.
- Limited Wardrobe: Beige backwards cap, taped glasses, turquoise button-up polo over a white long sleeved top, and black tie.
- Lovable Coward: It causes him no end of grief, since being the resident expository nerd makes him ERod's go-to guy for information on many franchises, including horror franchises, so he gets constantly exposed to scary stuff. Just as much as he knows about characters like the Terminator and the Predator, he can't see their movies without being on the verge of a horror-induced fainting spell.
- Cowardly Lion: Completing the Resident Evil: Extinction review (even if he didn't manage to bust it) because ERod was depending on him (with some encouragement from Batman) and busting the Dungeons & Dragons movie in a fit of Nerd-Rage.
- Mister Exposition: When ERod needs to explain details about a movie's background or the plot of previous movies, he often calls on Nerdlinger to do the honors.
- Nerd: He's an interesting subversion in that the other characters in the show do not put him down for being a nerd. ERod himself actually calls on him to explain nerdy or fan-specific information, so he's also the show's resident smart guy.
- The Smart Guy
El Lover[]
El Lover: Hey, I'm a lover, not a fighter. Good thing I love kicking ass. |
- Chivalrous Pervert: From the Resident Evil: Apocalypse Review:
El Lover: Milla, Milla Yoyovitch, *pointing to lap* I got a big gun for you right here that you can borrow, baby. No, seriously, *lifts a large firearm into frame* I mean you can borrow this; I don't want to see you get hurt. |
- Distracted by the Sexy: He often gives compliments for the female characters during his prequel recaps, and his occassional review.
- He fails to bust Resident Evil: Apocalypse because he got a call that Sarah Michelle Gellar was at a coffee shop.
- Partially subverted with Sucker Punch, where it had plenty of Fan Service, but was still so confused by the film that he tried to wake up ERod and make him bust the movie already.
- Latin Lover: Exactly What It Says on the Tin
- Limited Wardrobe: All black: tuque, goggles, sunglasses, hoodie over a turquoise shirt, fingerless gloves and jeans.
Fedora Freddy[]
- Limited Wardrobe: Fedora, brown vest, white button-up shirt, and red tie.
- Motor Mouth: Lampshaded:
El Lover: But, just in case you missed what happened at the end of the last movie, because Fedora Freddy talks too fast, El Lover is going to tell you what went down. |
The Hooded Man[]
- You Have Failed Me: To Evil-E