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  • Broken Base: It's maybe a little early, but judging from the reactions to his first video on That Guy With The Glasses some find him very entertaining while others find him unfunny and accuse him of ripping off other reviewers.
  • Crack Pairing: Recently, quite a popular pairing in the TGWTG fandom involves shipping ERod with Mechakara.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Nerdlinger, the character is definitely the best of all the other, and this troper loves the review he does of Resident Evil Extinction.
  • Genius Bonus: While most people can tell that ERod is Latin just by his name(Eric Rodriguez), savvy viewers can tell he's specifically Puerto Rican from various hints in his videos.
    • In one video, he's wearing a shirt for El Conquistador, one of Puerto Rico's most luxurious hotels.
    • El Lover. His English is very Puerto Rican-accented(his talking speed and pronunciation of certain words are giveaways), his Spanish is completely Puertorican in accent and vocabulary, and he's shown from time to time reading Turey El Taino, a popular 90s Puertorican comic book.
  • He Panned It, Now He Sucks: Iron Man 2. Dear God...