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A Short Story anthology by Angela Carter based around the gothic retelling of old fairy tales.
- The eponymous story is a retelling of "Bluebeard".
- "The Courtship of Mr. Lyon" and "The Tiger's Bride" are based on "Beauty and The Beast".
- "Puss-In-Boots" is a bawdy commedia piece, inspired by "Puss in Boots".
- "The Erl-King" is based on the legend of "The Erl King".
- "The Lady in the House of Love" is "Sleeping Beauty" ...with vampires!
- "The Snow-Child" is "Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs", minus the dwarfs.
- "The Werewolf" and "The Company of Wolves" are takes on "Little Red Riding Hood" ...with werewolves!
- "Wolf-Alice" has elements of "Beauty and The Beast", "Little Red Riding Hood" and Alice in Wonderland.
The Bloody Chamber contains examples of:[]
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: Genre Savvy Puss-in-Boots is well-aware of this trope and suggests that the best way to woo an unattainable woman is to "convince her her orifice will be your salvation, and she's yours!"
- All Men Are Perverts: A common theme in Carter's stories, but taken to an extreme in "The Snow Child". There is a very unpleasant scene in which a dead adolescent girl is violently raped by a sobbing man, just because he can. It is awful.
- A Man Is Not a Virgin: Averted in "The Lady In The House Of Love" - the hero's virginity is mentioned several times, and hinted to give him Virgin Power.
- Big Damn Heroes: The heroine's mother in "The Bloody Chamber". Also serves as a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
- Disappeared Dad: In "The Bloody Chamber".
- Grimmification
- Humanoid Abomination: The Erl-King could be argued to be this. Appearing as a peculiar green tree-like man that represents the feral side of humanity, he has a tendency to kidnap young girls, rape them and transform them into songbirds, as well as being able to control the forest and its inhabitants. He is also not a nice guy.
- Lighter and Softer: If this trope can apply within a work, then "Puss-in-Boots" fits, being a Restoration sex comedy amidst mostly Gothic horror. "The Courtship of Mr. Lyon" is also not a horror story.
- Mama Bear: The heroine's mother in "The Bloody Chamber".
- Missing Mom: "The Courtship of Mr Lyon" and "The Tiger's Bride".
- Our Vampires Are Different: In "The Lady in the House of Love".
- Our Werewolves Are Different: Werewolves figure in several stories.
- Parental Abandonment: Crops up a lot in the form of Missing Mom and Disappeared Dad.
- Retired Badass: The heroine's mother in "The Bloody Chamber". She had already dealt with pirates, nursed back to health a plague ravaged village, and singelhandedly shot and killed a maneating tiger, all before she was even 18. She comes out of retirement at the very end of the story.