Plus a particularly awesome use of the already awesome Dambusters March.
Moral Event Horizon: Dormandy's already a Strawman Political, but there's trying to shut down a pirate radio station and then there's refusing to send out rescue ships when the boat starts sinking, on the basis that he can't possibly justify the expense. Even Twatt looks perturbed by that.
Tear Jerker: Simon tearfully singing "Stay With Me Baby" after being left by Elenore the day after they married whilst Harold looks on (also in tears) caused quite a few people in the cinema to suddenly have something in their eyes.
At the end, the engine explodes, leaving a hole in the boat and making it sink. As everyone tries to escape, they explain what's happening over the radio calmly and play "A Whiter Shade of Pale", and all the records stored are swept away by the water rushing in. What makes it doubly worse is that the people listening to the radio station at the time know what's going on, and they can't do anything to help it. (Until later, of course.)