A book of bunnies comitting suicide in various ways. Or rather, a book of mostly single image, black and white cartoons of bunnies just about to commit suicide.
Published in 2003. The cartoons are drawn by Andy Riley, who also drew the cartoons for the book Great Lies To Tell Small Kids.
- Bloodless Carnage - The only thing saving this book from being a horrific deathshow.
- Dead Baby Comedy - Could have been the namer of the trope, if the trope was called "Bunny Suicide".
- Doorstopper - One bunny orders a copy of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows online, then patiently waits under the front door's mail slot until the book arrives and crushes its skull.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice - Oh, god, the Javelin.
- Shout-Out: One of the bunnies shoots spitballs at an Alien.
- Three bunnies in a robe jump on Darth Vader's lightsaber.
- One suicide has a bunny impersonate Sarah Conner, and getting killed by the Terminator.
- A bunny disguising as an alien ship.