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The Brave of Gold: Goldran is a Japanese anime television series that had begun in 1995, created by Sunrise. It was the sixth in the Brave Series. Goldran follows the adventures of three young boys, Takuya, Dai, and Kazuki, who are tasked with finding alien robot fighters, or Braves, that are sleeping in the form of crystals known as Power Stones. Their enemy is the flamboyant and thoroughly incompetent Prince Walter Walzac, and his henchmen are often similarly humorous. The entire show is mostly focused on comedy, almost to the exclusion of much in the way of storytelling, although the series has some running plotlines toward the end. Goldran was very popular in its time.
These are the following tropes:[]
- An Adventurer Is You: Takuya and his gang go on adventures. Despite being 12 years old.
- Affably Evil: Most of the villains.
- Bling Bling Bang: Goldran himself is pretty much this.
- Berserk Button: Try to kidnap and brainwash Dran's precious golden Godzilla, and he'll literally claw his way out of the depths of hell to kick your ass.
- Captain Ersatz: One episode had the gang go to a place where clay figure beings live (The place is called Legendra), and the Big Bad of the episode has clay versions of the Goldran mechs. The difference however, are the faces. Clip here.
- Combining Mecha: Goldran, formed from the swordsrobot Dran and the golden dinosaur Golgon.
- Also, Leonkaizer and Silverion.
- Cool Car: Dran.
- Cool Plane: Leon.
- Cool Old Guy: Colonel Sandgross.
- Cool Train: Advenger.
- Darker and Edgier: The show takes on a darker tone after Serious/Sirius Walzac becomes the new Big Bad.
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs: Golgon.
- Eyepatch of Power: Captain Shark. He does have an eye underneath it, though.
- Gotta Catch Them All: The first half of the series deals with Takuya, Dai, and Kazuki competing with Walter to get the Power Stones.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: A rare protagonistic example. In Serious Walzac's debut episode the bad guys take control of Golgon and fuse him with Waldoran, an Evil Twin of Dran, to form Dark Goldran. Dark Goldran then proceeds to cleave Dran from shoulder to hip with his own BFS.
- Heel Face Turn: Walter Walzac, the moment the new main villain came in the picture.
- Kid Heroes: Takuya and friends.
- Instant Plunder, Just Add Pirates: Captain Shark. Also, the pirates from episode 9.
- Jidai Geki: Japonesia in episode six is a mix of this and modern technology.
- Laughably Evil: Walter.
- Large Ham: Walter again.
- Meaningful Name: "Serious/Sirius" Walzac.
- Mecha Expansion Pack: Sorakage can become a flight pack for Goldran or Leonkaizer.
- Fire Silver is an armor add-on for Silverion, making God Silverion.
- Advenger can become a shoulder-mounted bazooka for Captain Shark.
- Mecha-Mooks: Serious's soldiers. Might also apply to Walter's.
- Ninja: Sora-kage.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Captain Shark is a pirate shark battleship tank robot.
- Panthera Awesome: Kaiser.
- Power Trio: Takuya (Id), Dai (Ego), and Kazuki (Superego).
- Ridiculously-Human Robots: Not only are the Braves sentient, they can also get sick and impregnate female robots.
- Samurai: Dran and Leon.
- Sixth Ranger: Walter Walzac, after his heel face turn.
- Shout-Out: In the "Fake Braves" episode, when they're on their way to Legendra, it suspiciously looks like the Universal Studios logo.
- The Determinator: You can blast Advenger with laser beams, nearly cut him in two, infect him with the Yuusha alternative of Cosmic Rust, but you still won't be able to keep him down for long.
- Also, Dran.
- Terrible Trio: The thief Tiramisu Beauty and her two henchmen from episode 8.
- Wham! Episode: Episode 27
- Yandere: Sharlanla is this towards Walter.