A Psychological Horror Thriller about a female Doctor who sees her own clone and follows her..
The movie later goes on to play Puppeteer Parasite motif. becoming weirder and weirder from scene to scene. The film was part of the After Dark Horrorfest film festival.
Contains examples of:
- CAT Trap
- Evil Knockoff: many of those.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: The Protagonist forget's she was the horror clone.. making her think she was the original Gina
- Mirror Universe: The main plot behind the movie.
- Scare Chord: used throught put the movie.. mostly without a good reason
- Tomato in the Mirror: a Variation of it. the Protagonist finds out that she was the evil Mirror clone all along. just forgot about it because of the car accident.
- Villain Protagonist: turns out to be this all along.