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The two brothers; Guapo (left) and Fraz

One of the most obscure cartoons ever. It never seemed to catch on, lasting a full 26 episodes from January 1999 to January 2000 on Nickelodeon (they didn't make it, it was made by Sunbow and animated at AKOM, who hasn't worked on a Nicktoon [yet]). The show focused on a pair of blue alien brothers named Guapo and Fraz Flub, both different shades of blue. Guapo is fat and eager, while Fraz is skinny and panicky. The two worked as couriers for a company called Retrograde and traveled to various worlds with unusual quirks. These included a planet so small that one of them swallowed it, one that featured a lifesize pinball machine, and one inhabited by beatnik aliens.

Although it was met with a decent amount of commercial tie-ins, including toys at fast food chains and apperances in ads for Macy's, the show never caught on. What few critics paid it any mind didn't think that it was anything good.

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