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The Brothers Lionheart is a children's fantasy book written by Astrid Lindgren. The story touches on a number of important themes that are surprisingly deep for a book written for children, such as death, tyranny, rebellion and courage. But the main theme of the book is about rebirth.

The story begins by introducing us to the brothers Lion (Lejon), the sons of a poor seamstress some time during the early 20th century. The younger brother, Karl, also known as Skorpan ("Rusky"), is dying from tuberculosis. He describes himself as a homely, foolish and scared boy. The much-admired older brother Jonatan is like a prince from a fairy tale; he is always there to comfort Skorpan, and he even dies saving him when their house burns down.

Before his death, Jonatan told Skorpan about Nangijala, a land still in the time of campfires and fairy tales, where Skorpan can have adventures from morning to evening and at night too. When Skorpan dies he wakes up in Cherry Valley in Nangijala and finds his brother there.

At first Nangijala looks like a perfect place to spend the afterlife, but that is before Skorpan learns about the evil conqueror Tengil and his soldiers, and the death that comes from the dragon Katla. The brothers (who soon become known under the name Lejonhjärta - Lionheart - in the afterlife) spend the rest of the book aiding the rebellion against these menaces.

This book, and the movie that was based on it, are perfect examples of how Tropes Are Not Bad. Many tropes, including some of the worst tropes around, are played straight to absurdum, yet both the book and the movie are awesome - partly due to the simplicity of the story, but mostly because of Lindgren's incredible storytelling.

The Brothers Lionheart contains examples of:[]

  • Zero-Percent Approval Rating: Every house and farm in Briar Rose Valley had weapons hidden and forged for the approaching battle to end Tengil's tyranny over the land and it's people.
    • And they are very determined on that task. The answer of a widow to why she's cutting her long hair, a few hours after her husband was executed:
  • All Myths Are True: Let's count the myths presented in this book:
    • Nangijala is presented as a myth but turns out to be true. Even stranger was how it was combined with a song their mother used to sing, and the myth was still true.
    • Long after Katla's introduction, we were informed that Katla was a myth herself. The myth also told about the serpent Karm. And by the end of the book Karm was a myth made true too.
    • Nangilima, the life after death in Nangijala, is proven true by Word of God.
  • Contrived Coincidence: Chapter eight.
    • Skorpan finds himself in the very same cave that Veder and Kader were in. He didn't plan to, he just does.
    • Skorpan finds out who was the real traitor.
    • Skorpan learns about Katla's mark that was branded on the traitor's body, marking him as a servant of Tengil.
    • Skorpan finds out about the password to enter Briar Rose Valley, a feat not even Jonatan had managed.
    • Skorpan is captured and forced into Briar Rose Valley, which he would never have been able to do by himself.
    • Skorpan meets Mattias, who happens to be housing Jonatan at the time.
  • Chaotic Stupid: Tengil's men are repeatedly shown to be too stupid and lazy to be any real threat. So how did they invade Briar Rose Valley again? Oh right, Katla.
  • Dawson Casting: The 13-year-old Jonatan Lionheart is played by Staffan Götestam, who was 25 during the production. However, this might be a subversion since the film makers were averting the Most Writers Are Adults trope.
    • Most likely Jonatan is supposed to be only three or four years older in the movie than he is in the book. Götestam was still a lot older than his character, but his performance is so good that you really don't mind.
  • Disappeared Dad
  • Do Not Go Gentle

 There are some things you have to do, even if they're dangerous. Otherwise, you're not a human being but just a little piece of dirt.

  • Dying Dream. While Astrid Lindgren has said that the brothers went to Nangilima after their jump in the end, she also said that they never went to Nangijala at all. Skorpan doesn't die at the beginning, he falls unconscious and dreams the whole adventure in Nangijala. "I see the light!" at the end is him dying for real, and apparently going to heaven.
  • Evil Overlord
  • Gory Discretion Shot: Jonatan prevented Skorpan from witnessing a man getting executed on the village square by pressing Skorpan's face to his chest.
  • Instant Expert: In Nangijala, Skorpan is able to ride a horse the very first time he tries.
  • Karmic Death: Tengil tries to extend his tyranny over all of Nangijala with his dominion over Katla. In the end he is killed by her flames.
  • Kill'Em All - Very few characters survive the end of the book. The Brothers Lionheart are not among them.
  • Most Writers Are Adults: Jonatan Lionheart is the most heroic person in the story, as well as the informal leader of the rebellion who everyone and their dogs' mothers look up to. All that while being just 13 years old.
    • The story is told by his younger brother, who admires him boundlessly.
    • Besides, he seems to have spent a lot of time in Nangijala before his brother arrives. He already got the hang of the whole rebellion thing and appears to be rather famous.
  • Naive Newcomer: Skorpan.
  • Oh Crap: Katla kommer! And this is nothing compared to how it's written in the book:

 And then came the screams. Katla's screams of hunger that we all knew so well. Then the swords fell down and the spears and arrows, and those who fought could not fight anymore. Because they knew no one could save them.
