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  • Creator's Pet: Roger Ebert accuses Morgan Freeman's opening narration of doing this for Edward's character:

 I'm thinking, just once, couldn't a movie open with the voiceover telling us what a great guy the Morgan Freeman character is? Nicholson could say, "I was a rich, unpleasant, selfish jerk, and this wise, nice man taught me to feel hope and love." Yeah, that would be nice. Because what's so great about Edward, anyway? He throws his money around like a pig and makes Carter come along for the ride. So what?

  • Crowning Moment of Funny: When Carter informs Edward what his fancy coffee is really made of, Edward asks if he's "shitting me?" To which Carter replies "Nope, the cat beat me to it." This also cause both of the men to laugh so hard that tears form in their eyes, which was one of the items on their list.
    • The final line in the movie:

 “Edward wouldn’t mind that he was buried on top of a mountain…mainly because it was against the law.”

  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Tons, but Edward meeting his granddaughter, who is the "most beautiful girl in the world" from his list, is especially poignant
  • So Okay It's Average: The general reception to this film, especially from Roger Ebert, who actually has had thyroid cancer and took issue with some of the specifics of the way cancer patients and the hospital were portrayed.
    • Which also leads to an inversion of Vindicated by History, the film was very well-received the opening week, but gradually decreased.
  • Tear Jerker