"All things considered, it was still not the worst Christmas ever."
—"The Unkindness of Ravens" description
The CA Tverse is a very long, ongoing Batman Fanfic series. It focuses on several Batman villains, mostly Scarecrow and Riddler, and the three henchwomen that make life a bit more dificult for them.
The One That Started It All, aka The Unkindness of Ravens.
It's also being archived on livejournal.
The CA Tverse contains examples of[]
- Abduction Is Love - The point of "The Unkindness of Ravens." Without the "falling in love as the outcome" bit.
- Asexuality - While it's never explicitly stated (in-series), this version of Scarecrow is not interested in anyone at all. The same cannot be said for the girls' affections for him.
- Yes, it can.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension - Techie and Nightwing
- Berserk Button - plants for Ivy, cats for Selina. Jonathan has made the mistake of harming both.
- Blind Without'Em - both Jonathan and the Captain. Averted with Al and Techie, who wear glasses but can get by without them.
- Bodyguard Crush - entirely one way
- Can't Hold His Liquor - "Five! Five drinks! Ah-ah-ah!"
- Cuddle Bug - the girls, but at least they learn to avoid The Glomp.
- Donut Mess with a Cop - Bullock. Montoya doesn't mind them, either.
- Embarrassing Nickname - Squishy, Squishykins, Squishface.
- For Science!!
- Forgets to Eat - the girls are more than just bodyguards
- The Fundamentalist - Great-Granny
- Genki Girl - the girls, especially Captain. Also Harley.
- Good Is Not Nice - not from Jonathan's point of view, anyway
- Harmless Freezing - averted; when Mr. Freeze goes on a spree, his victims end up hospitalized or dead.
- Hates Being Touched - poor Jonathan
- Lennon Specs - Captain's new pair
- Love Redeems - played with
- Mama Bear - don't mess with plants or children in front of Ivy.
- Meganekko - the girls
- Nice Hat - part of what makes the Riddler and the Scarecrow so attractive to the girls
- Not Me This Time - comes up a few times
- Not Quite Dead - "Headstones of Henchgirls."
- Overprotective Dad - Batman nearly drives off the road on learning Robin has a girlfriend.
- Precocious Crush - Al has a certain appeal to prepubescent boys, much to her dismay.
- Quirky Curls - Techie's hairstyle
- Red String of Fate - Arguably how the girls and Scarecrow came to be stuck together...although the girls probably would have stuck to him anyway.
- Used literally in "Season of the Witch"- Madam Lavoux uses it to "tie" the girls and Scarecrow together from that point on.
- Risky Business Dance - Eddie's rendition of "Santa Baby."
- Scar Survey - Happens in "Aquatic Nocturne" and, under somewhat different circumstances, in "Nine Lives."
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid - Young Jonathan Crane wanted to be just like Alan Scott when he grew up.
- Villain Protagonist