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TheChristmasToy 2666

Feeling nostalgic yet?

The Christmas Toy is a 1986 made-for-TV movie by The Jim Henson Company. Made in Toronto with many of the Fraggle Rock cast and crew, it originally aired on ABC on December 6, 1986, and was sponsored by Kraft Foods. Originally introduced by Kermit The Frog, it was released on VHS format in 1993. In 2008 it was released on DVD. However, Kermit's appearance was edited out due to legal issues. It is currently being shown occasionally on The Hub. The complete special, including Kermit's introduction, can also be seen on YouTube.

The story follows the idea that even when no people are around, the toys still play in the playroom. But since a toy will be frozen forever if a person catches it out of position, they have to be very careful. It's Christmas Eve, and Rugby the Tiger remembers how he was the Christmas Toy last year, and thinks he's going to be unwrapped again. It's up to Apple the Doll, whom Rugby supplanted as favorite toy, to tell him the truth. But Rugby won't believe her, and tries to get into the Christmas package and lets Meteora, Queen of the Asteroids loose. She doesn't know she's a toy, and thinks she's landed among aliens. It's up to the other toys to get Rugby out of the box and Meteora back in it before they're all found and frozen forever.

Does this sound familiar?

Rugby and a few of the other characters returned eight years later for Secret Life of Toys, a 13-episode series on Disney Channel.

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