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  • This bit is totally awesome.

 Johns: How's it look?

Riddick: Looks clear.

Johns takes a step forward, and a creature flies out towards them. They duck and it flies into the night.

Johns: You said it was clear!

Riddick: I said it "looked" clear.

Johns: Well, how does it look now?

Riddick: Looks clear.

  • Riddick manages to kill one of the big aliens with nothing but a dagger and sheer badassery.

 Riddick: (covered in blood, staring at its corpse) Did not know who it was fuckin' with.

  • Fry all out assaulting Riddick instead of abandoning Jack and Imam and screaming that she is the Captain and he had to follow orders. Her bravery actually changes his mind because it impressed him, which is a pretty damn hard thing to do.
  • Riddick vs. Johns. Made more awesome by Riddick's badass comments as the light fades and the cowardly Johns scrambles for his gun.