Riddick crying over Carolyn's Heroic Sacrifice, yelling, "Not for me! Not for ME! " Carolyn had told him earlier that she would die for any of her charges. Riddick, who in Pitch Black hated himself, was shocked and dismayed that she meant him, too.
Even more so. Seconds before being taken, Carolyn says "I said I'd die for them, not you! Let's move!" Obviously meant to motivate him. The look on her face in the moment says it all.
It hits twice as hard after Jack asks him what they should say when they get picked up and he tells her to say that Riddick died back on that planet. It's a bit of Fridge Brilliance when you realize that he means Carolyn represented the last of his humanity and that part of him died with her.
Seeing Imam's grief as his innocent young students get themselves eaten alive can be this, too.