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  • Fan Nickname:
    • Usually used when Hannah can't remember a character's name or doesn't know how to spell it and doesn't want to bother checking Wikipedia. For instance, Sharaz Jek goes through most of "The Caves of Androzani" commentary being called "BDSM-man" until Hannah finally decided to just call him Jek.
    • The Brigstache (The Brigadier's mustache).
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Surprisingly rare, considering how often that can happen with this show, but they do happen occasionally. Most notably in "The Talons of Weng-Chiang" when Hannah realized that the guy playing Mr. Sin had also played the Oompa Loompas in the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory remake.
  • I Knew It!: Rarely used with those particular words, but has repeated use of "CALLED IT."
  • What Could Have Been: Things concerning multi-Time-Lord interactions and explorations of the TARDIS' workings will usually prompt a bemoaning of "why can't we get see that in New Who?"