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  • Celie finally gets to meet her idol, Shug Avery. Shug's (drunken) response upon meeting Celie?

  Shug Avery: You sure is UGLY. * cackles*

  • Celie cooking a sober Shug breakfast only to see if she would throw it at the hallway wall.
  • Harpo telling his father that he was kicked by a mule, when really it was Sophia who punched him dead in the eye.
  • And of course:

 Miss Millie: You wanna come work for me, be my maid?

Sofie: Hell no.

  • Two come to mind for me. First, Celie taking the small victory of watching Mister stumble around the kitchen, and take off like Road Runner when he tries to light the stove. Second, Squeak confronting Sofia at Harpo's is classic. After interrupting her dance with Harpo, calling Sofia a heifer, and SLAPPING HER IN THE FACE, Squeak is lucky to merely be knocked into the trapdoor.


  • There really shouldn't be any in a musical like this. But Celie's face when she hears her husband referred to as "Albert" is (or should be) priceless.