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 Ladies and gentlemen, we stand at a historical crossroads. Never before has Humanity been under a greater threat to it's integrity and independence as a species. In their arrogance the rulers of Equestria have deemed us unworthy of existence; they believe us to be beneath them, that they can trample over our history and culture and cast us aside into the void of forgetfulness. We are but scum under their hooves, unworthy of our rightful place in the Universe.



 I will not deny it. Our history is muddy and difficult, fraught with conflict and dissent. During our darkest periods in history we have commited atrocities I dare not name here tonight. But that is no reason to exterminate us! What right do they have to pass judgement on us? What gives them the privilege to decide our future, YOUR future? Why should we passively stand aside while their so-called benevolent tyrants destroy everything Humanity stands for? We build our societies on the principle that everyone is free and equal, that everyone has the chance to succeed in life and be free to do what they want, and the equestrians have the guts, the nerve, to take it all away!



 We declare war so that we may live in peace. We fight for the freedom of every last man, woman and child. For the first time in our history, Humanity as a whole will unite to drive away the threat. This is our finest hour! This is the hour when Humanity as a whole casts aside it's differences and collectively calls out it's war cry, and by God will it be heard! This is the hour our entire population across the globe converges to make a difference, for everyone's well-being! And by blood and steel and gunpowder we will reclaim what is ours by birthright, for Humanity and Earth!


They dare call us monsters. Well then, let us show them what happens when the beast awakens.
"I have a jar of dirt" (reader)

"They're goddesses! Goddesses we know exist, I might add! Why should they be bound by laws? They decide what's right. We just trust them, and you should too."
Twilight Sparkle