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The show may be a Darker and Edgier version of Sanjay and Craig but even a show like that has its moments.

  • The first episode of the pilot can be pretty funny, along with Craig overreacting.
  • His review on Marah and Kapri Meets The Straw Hat Pirates is full of Craig raging over the bad parts of the fanfic. There's also his breakdown at the end!
  • Even though Craig's psychotic breakdown from the series premiere "Start Over" was unsettling, it can also be funny as well.
  • As a shout out to Nichijou in Gamer Wars, Craig gets his tail squished by a heavy video game box, which makes him unleash a mega beam that destroys all of Pluto.
  • After Satine Venom comes down with a Pet the Dog moment and she is given the mother raccoon from the Sanjay and Craig episode Friend Card, she names the mother raccoon after herself and hands it over to her boyfriend. He overreacts which led to her seemingly acting feral and chasing him all across the room she arrived in. It helps as just as the mother raccoon tries to kill and devour her, she instead licks his face and pants just like a dog leaving a huge comedic mark on the family. What he says after being chased down, racked and slobbered on makes matters better.
    • This is also a case of heartwarming as Satine Slithers' arrival takes the relationship that Craig and Satine share to the next level.
  • During the scene when Craig's biological father commits an Offscreen Moment of Awesome and sedates his son and subsequent relatives, the results are as comedic are mildly unsettling. Satine Venom engages in an offscreen fight with her owner's father ending with the raccoon having unscruffed fur, a lolling tongue, drowsy eyes, acting loopy, a tendency to yawn, a note tied to his back and tranquilizer darts protruding from her tail. After all that, she finally falls fast asleep under Craig's feet and when he is tranquilized in a Knockout Ambush by his dad, he suffers through wobbly eyes, a tendency to yawn and tranquilizer darts protruding from his back.