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  • A farmer locks his family inside the closet and burns them to death.
  • At the morgue, David finds dead bodies with their eyes and mouths stitched shut, presumably while they were still alive.
    • The priest was still alive - as soon as the thread keeping his lips closed was cut, he told David, "Behind you."
  • Scotty gets shot down by the army racing towards his mother, and when she goes to him hysterically, they shoot her too and torch their bodies.
  • The infected principal stabs potential infectees with a pitchfork while they're tied down to a gurney.
  • While waiting for David, Judy finds a truck full of the "uninfected townspeople" that the army completely killed and torched regardless of that fact.
  • Then the entire town is nuked anyway.
  • In the DVD extras, a motion comic includes the story of the young pilot whose plane caught on fire and who was forced to crash-land into the swamp with the plane that carried the bioweapon. As he hangs helplessly as his parachute is caught in a tree, he cries out for help, but no one hears him. He looks down at his helmet to see his reflection--the poisonous water is on his face, graphically melting it off.
  • The main page image, which features a Pierce County sign riddled with bulletholes and the words "Help us" carved on it.