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The SOF Brigade[]

The Main cast and focus of the Series, they're often enough at the center of what disaster, Giant Monster attack or small war happens to be happening this week.


the "Leader" of the SOF Brigade. The Other Characters hang out with him for no known reason.


The only Sane man/woman of the group. Tends to Change gender depending on the episode.


Probably the youngest. A Red Blooded American. Much to everyone's displeasure. Has what is probably the most normal home life of the SOF Brigade. Despite pretty much everything.


The Token Brit and the Resident Buttmonkey. and the only Main character with a Girlfriend


The normal one. Nothing really strange about him, and he seem to try and keep a cool head about things. So far.

  • Arbitrary Skepticism: He can accept What Lord_Roem, Catboy, Othyrsyde, Ynnead and ....Whatever Fenrir Is but has trouble believe what Evilprodigy is.
  • Ascended Extra: his first appearance was as a throwaway Gag in Season 1. he became a Main Character in Season 2.
  • Catch Phrase: What.
  • Casual Danger Dialog: on several occasions including "The Beast and The Blue."
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: by simply surviving this long, he is now able to dodge bullets.
  • Chekhov's Skill: Has some experience operating a Tank, as established in FIELD TRIP, which later comes in useful in 2x11.
    • Now if the cooking and Knife fighting account for anything, will it be a trifecta?
  • Combat Pragmatist: His fight with Imperialvienna involves kicking him in the groin to disrupt the laser codpiece.
  • Darkskinned Blonde: Same as SomethingNow.
  • Dare to Be Badass: Nothingnow joins the School's Association of Badasses to become Number one.
  • Distaff Counterpart: SomethingNow. No real difference.
  • The Hero: more-or-less fits the role.
  • Laser Sword: Gets one in "BREAK THROUGH THE DREAM, Part II". He is very disappointed that it is not Purple
    • After Reality resets itself, it does become Purple
  • Made of Iron: He's regularly kicked off the roof of the building to no real effect, (although he does complain about it being painful,) then got shot in the shoulder and had to think about if he's been shot before. It's the closest thing he has to any sort of unusual ability.
    • Blood loss will still do him in though. Even if he doesn't notice it until someone points it out.
    • currently, he has survived being kicked off a Roof multiple times, shot through the shoulder, mauled by Honey Badgers, and stepped on 20+ Landmines.
  • Parental Abandonment: Lives alone, but apparently on good enough terms with his mother.
  • Shotguns Are Just Better: Picks one up and Joined the Battle against the Australians as the Engineer.
  • The Stoic: He tries to be this, and fails when shit really hits the fan. It's more like he has Nerves of Steel. Considering the situation he's in, this is not entirely unexpected.
  • Unfazed Everyman: as far as we know.
  • Yiddish as a Second Language: Normally uses very few Yiddishisms, but it Comes out in stressful situations.


Sort of there. No one really knows why.


The only The First major Female character. She's probably the most Sane out of the group, although that's not saying much. She's usually the most level headed out of the group.


The newest Member to join the SOF Brigade. as such, she has yet to be fleshed out.



The Chemistry teacher. British and somewhat mad.

a Group of Alternate Dimensional Thandes show up later to take something from the school


Another Teacher, and fills in on occasion as an Assistant Principal, along with WARD. Surprisingly badass.


The Map instructor. somewhat of a Large Ham. Becomes the Principal in the Future


A Teacher. Tends to pop out of random things.


The Ronald Regan Instructor. He's also obsessed with The Beatles. He Tolerates the SOF brigade, but will ignore them if he has to. Becomes one of the Vice Principals in the future


The School nurse.


The Gym Teacher from Hell. and still is, years later


The Principal and founder of the school, and one of the people who made cross-time travel common.


One of the Janitors, and a former Falafel delivery boy, hired after the Giant Salamander ate some of his predecessors.


The Metal/Wood shop teacher.

Other Students[]

Students, and other people who generally don't fall into the other groups or seem to exist solely to be the butt of a Joke.


A Bit character. His only role seems to be to die. Which is almost every time he appears.


The New Kid.



The Sealions.[]

A Band, composed of Zacoftheaxes, The Vulture, Snowman23 and Random Idea Guy.

SOM Brigade[]

an alternate Universe counterpart to the SOF brigade. It's members include MDW, ALT!Ynnead, Lady_Roem, Thyssyde, Catgirl, Hecate_Angerboda, SomethingNow and GoodProdigy.

Tropes that apply to the group in general:


FDW's counterpart. Unlike FDW she is perfectly Sane.


One of the Many Ynneads of the multiverse.


In Contrast to Catboy, Catgirl is a meme spouting annoyance.


Lord Roem's counterpart


Nothingnow's Counterpart.


Fenrir_Angerboda's counterpart.


Othyrsyde's Counterpart.


Evilprodigy's counterpart.

Future Space Children[]

Offspring of the major characters who occasionally travel back in time to be Cute and annoying.


Ynnead and Nothingnow's Future Daughter.

The SOS Brigade.[]

The Future Version of the Group, now lead by Somethinglater. Consist of Catprodigy, Lord_Syde, Veedok Sigyn and Hati Angerboda.