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  • Jay confessing his love to Alice at the end of the episode "Lady Hawke." He gives her a white rose and reads her a poem ("The woman I love will be my best friend. We'll make each other laugh, and I'll never be lonely again. Her name will be Alice, and she'll have a sweet Southern accent, and I hope she'll love me too.") Alice becomes completely touched, and she and Jay share a kiss.
    • CMOF, he accidentally sang "Super Freak" first.
      • Alice took it in stride.

  Alice: Oh Jay, you're the sweetest man who ever called me a super freak.

  • After meeting Jay for the first time, Penny punches him in the nose because he gave a negative review of The Lion King. However, she immediately apologizes and kisses him on the nose. Awww.
  • The scenes between Jay and his sister Margo. They have a strong, loving, trusting relationship and always look out for each other.
  • When Jay and Doris discover Jay may have been the baby Doris gave up for adoption 36 years ago, he gives her 36 Mother's Day cards, one for each year they missed together.
  • Duke and Alice's sister Miranda reuniting and marrying at the end of "Dukerella."

 Duke: My Scarlett, its you...

  • The episode Siskel & Ebert & Jay & Alice centres around Siskel and Ebert breaking up. They each offer to make Jay their partner, which would be a dream job for Jay no matter which one of them he teamed up with. Instead, Jay Takes A Third Option and gets them back together in a very touching scene.
  • Marty and his girlfriend Carmen bading farewell to each other as Marty prepares to leave Cuba.