The Crossoverlord is a Superhero action comic that, as the name might imply, is a crossover among a number of superhero webcomics, starring Lightbringer, ANT, Mind Mistress, Dasien and Dead Debbie. In 2009, The Green Avenger and Ultra were added to the ranks, in March and October, respectively. This comic is written as a collaboration among the authors of the source webcomics.
In the story, a being called The Crossoverseer (a Guardian of the Multiverse) gathers heroes from various universes (read: webcomics) to oppose The Smiling Man (the Crossoverlord of the title) a villain who is likewise gathering villains to help with his plans against the guardian. The main characters are actually only one of many such teams, though they get to deal with the Smiling Man directly. At first, the heroes must learn to get along with each other, but later they discover the chilling truth about Smiling Man's actions.
The comic has concluded, but a sequel titled Crossoverkill has commenced with a new team of heroes, although Mindmistress is reprising. Energize, Yuuki, Fusion, Captain Perfect (from Bad Guy High), Majestic Knight and Hoodoo (from Magellan) are the other confirmed members.
- All There in the Manual: The Realitease section offers a lot of background information on the multiverse serving as the setting.
- Anti-Hero: Mindmistress
- Art Shift: Story is illustrated by all authors, but Dasien's and Mindmistress' creators took a huge part of this job upon themselves. And since issue #7, the creator of Bad Guy High adds some pages because of being a fan.
- Badass Army: Used by the Smiling Man when he invades Ringo's home Reality. It consisted of half Red Robots and half Uber-Red clones.
- Big Bad: The Smiling Man.
- Cameo: Lots and lots.
- The Cape: Lightbringer probably qualifies.
- The Chessmaster: Mindmistress, though certainly good at it in her own comic, is overshadowed here by the Smiling Man.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Both times the heroes fought the Smiling Man's named Five-Bad Band. First time it was the villains over the heroes. Second time however, thanks to Mind Mistress changing who fought who, it was the other way around.
- Deadpan Snarker: Mindmistress.
- The Ditz: ANT.
- Five-Bad Band: They have even reserve members.
- Big Bad: Smiling Man
- The Dragon: Sisters of Twillight and Darkbringer
- The Evil Genius: Smiling Man, again; maybe Darkbringer.
- The Brute: Red. Darkbringer again.
- The Dark Chick: Goldie, Pink Flash
- And there's still Holy, but she dosn't fit in any of those classes.
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero: Lightbringer, as The Cape and only one who so far has interacted with the Smiling Man, takes this role.
- The Lancer: From what we've seen so far, Dead Debbie will be taking this role. Her more relaxed style provides a counterpoint to Lightbringer's determination.
- The Big Girl: Dasien
- The Smart Girl: Definitely Mindmistress.
- The Chick: The inexperienced, idealistic and ditzy A.N.T.
- The Sixth Ranger: The Green Avenger
- Team Pet: Io
- Flying Brick: Dasien, Green Avenger and Ultra
- Guardian of the Multiverse: Ringo
- Hot Amazon: Dasien
- I Have Many Names: Crossoverseer, whom Dasien (in a show of maturity) chooses to call "Ringo".
- In the Name of the Moon: ANT is prone to this sort of speech.
- Intercontinuity Crossover: Various characters from various realities equals this special brand of crossover.
- Jumped At the Call: ANT jumped so hard, she nearly broke her neck.
- King of All Cosmos: Ringo, as Dasien dubbed him, isn't exactly a very effective guardian of reality.
- Legion of Doom
- Love Makes You Evil: And how.
- Luckily, My Powers Will Protect Me: A brief and recent scene wherein the Five Man Band stomps a bunch of giant robots while explaining their powers to the rest of their team.
- Mary Sue: Mind Mistress comes across as one for being condescending to the other heroes (and later getting pissed at Lightbringer when he accuses her of playing God with people's lives). She gets better by the end... maybe.
- MST: Our Heroes end up MSTing the villain's Start of Darkness.
- Moral Event Horizon: Smiling Man did many terrible things. However, for some people the moment he crossed it was when it's revealed that he killed the alternate universe counterparts of the heroes, using his own counterparts that died in the process and buried them all together in one graveyard in his home dimension.
- Multiversal Conqueror: Smiling Man, who is the titular Crossoverlord.
- My God, What Have I Done?: The smiling man upon reading his dead wifes journal
- Nigh Invulnerable: Uber-Red definitely counts. Some of the others to lesser degrees, too.
- Nightmare Fuel: The Sisters of the Twilight are firmly established as such in the background information (and the original comic).
- Smiling Man also fits, maybe ever more than Sisters.
- Not Now, Kiddo: Mindmistress not listening to Ultra.
- Powered Armor: Both Mindmistress and A.N.T.
- Shout-Out: Two covers that are parodying the well-known cover of Crisis on Infinite Earths #4
- Slasher Smile: They don't call him the Smiling Man for nothing...
- Something Else Also Rises: "Have a seat, lighthouse."
- Tearful Smile: "Perhaps someday, reading how much she loved you, you'll smile again."
- Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: The heroes' styles do not necessarily mesh too well.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Mindmistress and Dasien have been sniping entertainingly at each other since they were introduced.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: ANT.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Lightbringer's reaction when he found out about Mindmistress' Shoot the Dog moment.