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Chelgarian Allies of Look to Windward.[]

Was it ever revealed/implied who were the other Involveds behind the plot?

  • No, it wasn't. The Masaq' Orbital Mind even suggested it might be a faction of the Culture, trying to prevent the Culture as a whole becoming complacent and decadent.
    • Though the latter seems unlikely as insiders should have been aware of the limitations of the Culture's mind-scanning taboo.
      • Which could have been the point. A faction of the Culture might not want another genocide but still want to make a threatening point about what The Culture had done.
        • Seems far too costly. The message would have still been heard with a hundred times less civilian casualties.

How come The Culture spends so much time informing the reader how "capital punishment is bad, mkay?" — but are perfectly willing to send a nanotech assassin to gorily murder people who piss them off?

    • Because the Minds who lead The Culture speak softly and prefer the use of a covert yet unilaterally psychotic branch of Contact to a big, war-starting stick?