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  • Any scene involving Murray the Talking Skull.
    • "If I could just get my hands on that gunner! If I could just get my hands, period!"
    • "I'm not bald! I just have a really high widows peak."
  • Any scene involving Wally.
  • The scene that plays after you put the lice on the comb.
  • "I choose the banjo!"
  • Any instance where Guybrush uses the ventriloquism book to throw his voice in Part II, but of particular note is when he uses it on the monkey pirate captain and does a Captain Kirk impression:

"I mean, take a look around, at me, at the rest of the crew... We're all monkeys."
"You mean in the Darwinian sense, sir?"
"No, I mean in the quite literal sense."


Drink immediately begins to bubble and change color.
Guybrush: That makes the drink oh-so-much-more appealing. [turns to the camera]] It just occurred to me that mixing medicine and alcohol is a really stupid and possibly lethal thing to do. If I were a real person instead of a loveably inept cartoon character with the potential for a few more sequels... I wouldn't even consider it. [turns back to the drink] Skoal! [downs the beverage] That's odd. It's supposed to cause drowsiness. I don't feel the least bit drowsy. [the scene goes on a trippy Interface Screw] In fact, I... [his voice goes into sleepy slow motion] fact I feel... I feel...

He instantly falls to the floor.

  • Guybrush's "death".
  • In the sequence where Guybrush fakes his death a second time to get buried in the Goodsoup crypt, hotel manager Griswold Goodsoup offers this gem:

Griswold: Oh, dear! He's had a sudden and completely unexpected relapse of death!

  • "You fool! You've given cheese to a lactose-intolerant volcano god!"
  • On that note, Lemonhead in general. "Shut up. Or I'll eat you."

Guybrush: Did I say "cannibal?" I, I meant to say... err, "cannon... ball." I want to be a cannon ball. BOOOOOMM!
Lemonhead: ...You're not quite stable, are you?

  • Similarly, after the "human sacrifice" to the volcano god (which is actually a dummy made out of fruit), complete with dramatic ritual-saying and rope-cutting, the cannibals stand around the volcano's edge and toast marshmallows.
  • The "terrifying" shape of Skull Island.

Lost Welshman: Well, ya see... ya gotta squint and sorta turn your head and... Ooooooooh! It's just SO scary!
Guybrush: If you squint and turn your head it looks like a bunny.

  • Asking LeChuck what the real secret of Monkey Island is.
  • Stan's triumphant return. Especially if you've played the preceding games.

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