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  • The character that is Earl Harrigan, featured in the sixth and seventh books. Can you say GAWD-BOMB?
  • Roland's awkward adventure at the drugstore, culminating in him giving a clerk a Rolex watch to pay for some aspirin.
  • Flagg's note with the smiley faces in Wizard and Glass.
  • Cuthbert's quips in Wizard and Glass

 Cuthbert: Dig it deep. We don't want the wind to blow it away.

Alain: (annoyed) Do you want to do it? Just so you can make sure it's done right?

Cuthbert: No, Al. You're doing fine for someone who's both blind and soft in the head. Go on.

    • On Susan and Roland:

 Cuthbert: She's tranced him. Whether she means to or not, she'll kill us all in the end. Wait and see if she don't.

Alain: You shouldn't say such, even in jest.

Cuthbert: All right, she'll crown us with the jewels of Eld and we'll live forever.

  • Eddie being confronted by the Customs officers in the aeroplane toilet in Drawing of the Three, if you're into that kinda thing...