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"It is time to kill Too-Face and let happenus come."
—Brucce Waine

The Darker Knight is a self-admitted Batman Troll Fic by Cafe Hoax Zest, (revealed at the end to be an anagram of Zacoftheaxes, his common online username). It starts out with Batman finding out that he's been accused of murder, and teams up with his suddenly appearing cousin "Betty Waine," aka Batcousin, to find the real culprit, Two-Face (or Too-Face, as he's regularly called in the story). From there the plot steadily becomes more and more insane - and hilarious. Features the appearance of more random celebrities than you can shake a stick at.

The fic itself can be found here, while a dramatic reading can be found here.

Tropes used in The Darker Knight include:
  • Aborted Arc - In the very beginning, Batman was accused of crimes that Two-Face committed. This is quickly forgotten about.
  • And That's Terrible - A lot of characters love to talk about how "bad" things are.

Batman: "I am coming Cousin and nowe I shall win because good wins because evill isn't good and you are evil right now being. Prepair to fail."


Batcousin then grabe gun and enoby blade ans say "Riddler means there has zombies coming and now we must go find them because zombies are bad."
