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"There's a clocktower in Hereford where the names of the dead are inscribed. We try to honor their deeds even as their faces fade from our memory. Those memories are all that's left, when the bastards have taken everything else."
Captain Price, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3


Lockett: You gettin' us out too, Staff Sergeant? Or are we expendable? Hm?

Nantz: Alright, Lockett. You want to go there? Let's go there. I commanded men, and men died. Kids. Nineteen years old. The best men I ever led. Do you think for one second that I wouldn't rather trade places with them? I know you think I got my men killed. They're dead. I'm here, like the punchline to some bad joke. You think I like that? You think a minute goes by that those faces aren't right here, seared into my brain? Dante, Thomas T. Corporal. 156509386. Ambruster, William R. Private. 876662354. Wharton, Jeffery H. Lance Corporal. 874273993. Lockett. Duane G. Corporal. 1568709...

Lockett: ...55.

Nantz: Your brother was an outstanding Marine. He was my friend. And I miss him every day.