What a lovely little town.
Located here. Characters are pulled into a dying universe by a mysterious child who promises to grant them one wish in exchange for their help in revitalizing the world. Of course, it's never quite that easy.
Tropes used in The Deadland include:
- After the End: The city of Asper experienced some kind of apocalypse, but no one is sure quite what happened.
- Continuity Reboot: Deadland is a retooling of Wasteland, a game run on Inksome several years back. None of Wasteland's canon has carried over, though.
- Creepy Basement: On the fourth day, an entire network of pitch black, bone-filled catacombs appears underneath the city.
- Creepy Child: "The Guide", the mysterious child who speaks to all characters when they first arrive.
- Day Inside, Week Outside: On a meta level. One day in-game is played out over the course of one week in real life.
- Death Is Not Permanent: Characters who are killed awaken half a day later in the creepy abandoned hospital. However, Continuing Is Painful as revived characters are in need of liquid energy once they come back.
- Heroism Incentive: In this case, the single unlimited wish.
- Hybrid Monster: The most common monsters in Asper are the "puppycats". Yeah.
- Life Energy: The world itself drains its inhabitants of this, ostensibly to repair itself.
- Lost in Transmission: The only method of ranged communication is an unmonitored radio network. The radios are easily damaged, and invariably lead to this.
- Meaningful Name: "Asper" means "rough". Hilariously, it's also the name of a Mana Drain spell in Final Fantasy, although this was completely unintended by the mods. Unfortunately, none of the Final Fantasy characters in-game will ever notice the connection, because they come from English-language versions where the spell is called Osmose.
- Nerf: Due to the city draining the characters' life energy, supernatural abilities are weakened to at least some degree. Some characters have it worse than others.
- Nothing Is Scarier: Whilst the upper city is crawling with hybrid monsters, the catacombs are dark, silent, and totally empty.
Lelouch: "Nothing. There's nothing there." |
- Trapped in Another World: A given.
Characters in the game provide examples of:[]
- Alchemy Is Magic: Lillet Blan is stuck using Alchemy due to as-yet-unclear soul-related reasons. This confuses several more typical mages.
- Cool Big Sis: The Mercy Street faction is led by two of them: Cornelia li Britannia and Lightning Farron.
- Cute Witch: Jade Harley, Lillet, the growing Puella Magi cast... And they're some of the more obvious powerhouses, too.
- Death Is a Slap on The Wrist: Kyuubey, being a Nigh Invulnerable critter with no emotions, doesn't find its constant murders and subsequent awakenings in a horrortastic abandoned hospital particularly troubling.
- Despair Event Horizon: Mami's life was bad enough before she arrived in Asper. Then Kyuubey turned Sora into a Puella Magi. Things got worse from there.
- Distressed Dude: Lelouch celebrates the introduction of the manhole catacombs by dumping himself into them. He had to be rescued by Suzaku due to his injuries.
- Exact Words: Just like it does in canon, Kyuubey likes to leave out certain details whenever it talks to people.
Mami: "But he didn't tell you what witches are. Because if he did, you never would have agreed to this." |
- Actually, Kyuubey said "Witches are beings of despair."
- Friend to All Children: It's practically a running gag by now that Golbez keeps rescuing children from monsters. And since they're all Reckless Sidekicks, he has to do it over and over again.
- Horrible Judge of Character: After Oichi tried to rip Sora's eyes out of her skull, Sora forgave her and offered to be friends because Oichi started crying.
- I Cannot Self-Terminate: Suzaku's Geass command 'live on' backfires spectacularly when he and Lelouch are mortally injured and trapped in the catacombs, since it forces Suzaku to make a contract with Kyuubey to survive at the cost of his soul.
- I Work Alone: Tyki Mikk and Sollux Captor have started the game as this. Time will tell how this goes for them.
- Identical Stranger: Allen Walker and Shion look somewhat similar, something often pointed out in fanworks. And now they're friends.
- Living Shadow: Oichi's creepy shadow hand... things.
- Magic Versus Science: Sollux continues to insist that magic isn't real.
Lillet: "The denial of magic thing is getting kind of old, Sollux. I'm a witch, and I'm right here." |
- Manipulative Bastard: After Suzaku becomes a Puer Magi, Lelouch Geasses Mami into using up her magic and becoming a witch so that he will be able to obtain her Grief Seed.
- Not in This For Your Revolution: Several characters are only as agreeable as they are for the sake of their promised wish.