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  • Fair for Its Day: In a time, when antisemites would spread the craziest conspiracy theories about the eeeevul Jews, Spengler pretty much only said "they have a very different culture than us, we can't really understand each other (with very few exceptions), and messing around with each other will only lead to problems".
  • Harsher in Hindsight: After another round of vicious wars, America has pretty much become the dominant power of the West as per Rome just like Spengler predicted
  • Magnum Opus: Of Oswald Spengler.
  • Russians Love Oswald Spengler: There's a small group of people (but consider that nowadays few people read Spengler in general) in Russia who like Spengler because he predicted that in the future, a new culture might develop in Russia (and probably bring the country to greatness).