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This character sheet is for The Descendants. It's under construction, but trust us, if it's ever complete, it's going to be HUGE.
Main Cast
Laurel Brant / Codex
The strategic planner of the group and provider of any occasional tech the group needs, either from her own creations or Screw the Rules, I Have Money courtesy of her rich father.
- Badass Bookworm
- Black and Nerdy
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Hermetic Magic: Because she isn't a member of the Witch Species, she can only use the Book of Reason in this way.
- Meganekko
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money: Her father is one of the richest men in America, which explains pretty much everything the group owns.
- The Smart Guy: Naturally, as being The Professor is her power.
- Team Mom: Certainly for the younger members, but often for Ian and Alexis as well.
Alexis Keyes / Darkness
A former teacher at the Super-Hero School run by the Big Bad, she Academy with the ability to exude a substance called dark heat, which can allow her to fly, blast it offensively, and turn invisible.
- The Atoner: For ever having been part of the Academy.
- Dark Is Edgy: Visually at least, but it behaves more like Playing with Fire
- Elemental Baggage: Where Her "black heat" particles come from isn't adequately explained.
- Invisibility
- Not Quite Flight
- Relationship Upgrade: With Ian early on and then again when they got engaged.
- Team Mom: She tries to be, but it doesn't end well.
Ian Smythe / Chaos
Laurel and Alexis's friend from their Academy days with control over the density of fluid matter. He becomes a mentor to the younger, fledgling heroes and unofficial co-leader of the team.
- Battle Couple: With Alexis
- Blow You Away
- Flight
- The Usual Adversaries: Anything magical earns his instant distrust.
- Victorious Childhood Friend: With Alexis
Warrick Kaine / Alloy
A metal controller freed from Academy experiments by the previous three, along with Cyn, Melissa and Kareem, he is the straight man for Cyn. Along with Cyn, he is one of the first to decide to use their powers for good and become superheroes.
- Ascended Fanboy: And how.
- Big Brother Complex
- Building Swing: With Isp and Osp
- Combat Tentacles: Isp and Osp. They're sentient
- Extra Ore Dinary: Taken very literally in that he can manipulate any element classified as a metal.
- Flaming Sword: Hint - Lithium burns in oxygen.
- Name of Cain
- Instant Armor: Actually his first use of this powers.
- Jumped At the Call
- Sidekick: Self appointed to The Whitecoat
- Even Heroes Have Heroes
Cynthia McAllister / Facsimile A self proclaimed 'consummate shapeshifter' (check out all the ShapshiftingTropes) whose opinionated, impatient nature is the catalyst for a number of the group's adventures.
- Big Eater: And then some. If she gets too hungry, her skin starts digesting organic matter.
- Genki Girl
- Healing Factor
- Heroic Albino: Her true form.
- Hot-Blooded
- Rubber Man
- Shapeshifter Baggage: The reason she's a Big Eater.
- Shapeshifter Default Form: She doesn't look like the Heroic Albino she actually is normally, but she keeps the white hair.
- Shapeshifter Weapon: Claws mostly, but she's been known to extrude bones and horns as weapons.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
- Winged Humanoid: Her default crime-fighting form.
Juniper Taylor / Zero
The Sixth Ranger, introduced in the third issue, Juniper has the power of cold and exhibits lots of Mary Sue qualities, something she is mercilessly mocked for by Cyn.
- An Ice Person
- Genius Ditz: She has moments of this, such as knowing ho to field dress a wound. Might be a case of Obfuscating Stupidity.
- Improbable Aiming Skills: using ice knives.
- Legacy Character: Juniper is the daughter of a married duo of superheros Zero Point and Majestrix
- Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: She's incredibly nonchalant about little things like being shot.
Kareem Utt / Ephemeral
- Genius Cripple: For a while, he was the group's expert on the Astral while being effectively comatose.
- Mind Over Manners: Subverted. He follows this up to a point, but isn't afraid of playing Living Lie Detector with enemies.
- New Powers as the Plot Demands: Whenever the plot involves the Astral Plane, Kareem does something new and flashy.
- Psychic Powers
- Reality Warper: On the Astral Plane.
Melissa Forrester / Hope
- Blessed with Suck: Prior to the series, she suffered from Power Incontinence with her powers.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Fish Out of Temporal Water
- Getting Smilies Painted on Your Soul: Her secondary power.
- Healing Hands
- Rip Van Winkle: The Human Popsicle treatment everyone else had a few years at most cost her a decade.
Supporting Cast
Lisa Ortega / Occult
Kay Greycloud
Christina 'Tink' Carlyle
JC Slate
General Lewis Armstrong Pratt
Alan Roschard / The Whitecoat
- Alternate Company Equivalent: His acrobatics, tendency to quip and scientific prowess make him seem a lot like Spider-Man.
- Coat, Hat, Mask: But of course!
- Cool Hat: So cool that people think it's one of his powers. In fact, it contains recording equipment and a video screen!
- Flight, Strength, Heart: His only natural power? Super Immune System.
- In a Single Bound
- Super Strength
- Wall Crawl: Thansk to his technological boots and gloves.
Liedecker Institute
The Kin
Zero Point
Vincent Liedecker
- Villain with Good Publicity: He's routinely worked with the heroes without them being the wiser.
Brother Wright
- Batman Gambit: Once purposefully ruined a major operation under Project Tome in order to buy off the scientists when the rats fled the sinking ship.
- The Chessmaster: He routinely plays stronger villains for what he wants.
Latonya Wilkins / Shine
- Dark Action Girl
- Evil Counterpart: For Cyn, especially now that she has the shape-changing drug Potentia.
Aces High
Simon Talbot
Project TOME
The Sineaters / Adiel