It has, at one point, a puzzle where you have to re-assemble the skeleton of an alien turtle. No Rule of Fun Translation Convention is applied, other than that each part can snap to an arbitrary position in the turtle's shell, and the shell gives no hints to the orientation of the several near-identical small, straight bones. The only thing in the game that comes even close to a hint for this is a fossil on the ground up the stairs from where you have to do the puzzle. Oh, and by the way, if you don't add a specific additional item before you finish it? The turtle is killed once more, and you have to do it all over again. This is known as the place where most people stopped playing the game. It provides the page image for a damn good reason.
The Rat puzzle is a slightly less infuriating example, except in that case the game barely provides you with any clues as for what you're supposed to do.
Ditto for how to open the tomb of the Cocytan inventor.