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 Dan Backslide: A runabout... I'LL STEAL IT! NO-ONE WILL EVER KNOW!

    • In an odd example, Dan Backslide's line "Confound those Dover Boys! ... They drive me to drink!" has become half the source for, of all things, a My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic meme. Someone took an out-of-context screencap of Twilight Sparkle with what looks like a bottle of liquor, tossed in Dan Backslide's line with "Ponies" replacing "Dover Boys," and just like that, the Dover Boys had made yet another lasting contribution to internet lore. Also a YouTube video.
  • Weird Al Effect: Seriously, would you have heard of the Rover Boys at all except for this 'toon?
  • The Woobie: It's hard not to feel bad for Dan Backslide near the end. Sure, he's a coward-bully-cad-and-thief, but he's long since given up his dastardly intentions by the time the Dover Boys arrive to beat him senseless, as Dora's already beaten him within an inch of his life.