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The Edukators (German: Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei) is a German-Austrian film made by the Austrian director Hans Weingartner and released in 2004.

Includes Examples of ...[]

  • Love Triangle: between Peter, Jan, and Jule. The situation has an unconventional resolution. By the end of the movie it is implied that the three of them are in a polygamous relationship with each other.
  • The Woobie: Jule: Within the first hour of the movie Jule gets evicted and fired. We also learn that she is in an insane (94,500 euros) amount of debt all to pay for totaling a rich man's car status symbol.
    • Jule may qualify as Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds since she ends up keying a rude customer's car and becomes active participant in kidnapping, vandalism, and other "revolutionary actions"..
  • Heel Face Turn: Happens twice in the movie with the same character: Hardenburg.
  • Redemption Rejection: Hardenburg
  • Heterosexual Life Partners: Peter and Jan