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 "Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope."


Classic indie comic series which ran from the late 60s to the early 90s. Written and drawn with exceptional talent by Gilbert Shelton, it followed the Gonzoid, gleefully profane adventures of the titular brothers- Fat Freddy, Phineas and Freewheelin' Franklin. Invariably broke and struggling to avoid a hippy fate worse than death — having to work — these adventures were usually based around attempting to score a large amount of drugs without falling foul of Norbert the Nark and his dastardly government friends. Hilarity Ensues.

Read one way, it could be seen as a vicious dig at the decline of the alternative culture at the end of the 60s- it is made painfully clear that the brothers are ageing, impulsive, ignorant and utterly amoral, invariably subscribing to counter-culture beliefs only as far as it will net them free pharmaceuticals. On the other hand, it is a mark of what a Crapsack World the Brothers inhabit that they themselves come across as harmless, lovable buffoons. The real targets of the comic are right wing politics, surveillance state invasiveness and the mundane, destructive hyper consumer culture the Brothers' Slapstick existence runs completely at odds to.

A film version has often been touted but has never materialised.

Compare and contrast Cheech and Chong.

The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers contains examples of:[]


 Phineas: Uh-oh! Here comes her father! He appears to be too engraged to speak articulately, and he has a pistol in his hand!

