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The Fairy Rebel is a children's novel by Lynne Reid Banks, author of The Indian in the Cupboard. It's a classic fairy story, filled with magic and wonder... except that the person who meets the fairy is a married adult.

Jan and Charlie are a Happily Married couple, except that they can't have children. When Jan is relaxing in her garden one day, a fairy, Tiki, lands on her. Tiki's different from other fairies--she wears jeans under a frilly dress, expresses wonderment about tears and sadness, and vows to help Jan and Charlie have a baby--all things, especially the latter, that are against the rules of the Fairy Queen.

Tiki and her friend Wijic succeed in producing the child, who is given a 'fairy name', Bindi. Bindi, too, is different--she has a tuft of blue hair amidst the brown, and she receives magical presents every birthday. For seven years, the family lives peacefully.

But the Fairy Queen won't let this defiance go unpunished...

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