A series of novels written by Thomas E. Sniegoski, The Fallen tells the story of Aaron Corbett, an Ordinary High School Student who, on his 18th birthday, begins developing strange abilities. He soon learns that he is a Nephilim, the offspring of an angel and a human woman. But Aaron isn't just any Nephilim. According to an ancient prophecy, he is the Redeemer, a Nephilim with the power to absolve the sins of Fallen Angels and send them back to Heaven.
When Verchiel, the leader of the Powers (warrior angels charged with wiping out all Nephilim), kills his foster parents and kidnaps his autistic younger brother Stevie, Aaron is forced to leave his small town with Camael, the former leader of the Powers who believes in the prophecy of the Redeemer and becomes Aaron's Mentor, and his pet dog Gabriel whom Aaron can talk to after the latter heals him.
There are four books in the series:
- The Fallen
- Leviathan
- Aerie
- Reckoning
The Fallen was adapted into a miniseries that aired on ABC Family.
General tropes:[]
- Anyone Can Die
- Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: Any angel Aaron redeems.
- Blessed with Suck
- The Call Knows Where You Live
- The Chosen One: Aaron
- Dangerous Eighteenth Birthday
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?
- Disappeared Dad
- Distressed Damsel: Vilma
- Flaming Sword
- Half Human Hybrids: The Nephilim.
- I Just Want to Be Normal
- Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: Verchiel
- Knight Templar: Verchiel again.
- Light Is Not Good
- Messianic Archetype: Aaron
- Our Angels Are Different
- Power Incontinence
- Refusal of the Call
- Warrior Poet: Camael
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?
The book series contains examples of:[]
- Archangel Gabriel: He shows up in Leviathan after having been held captive by the titular Lotus Eater Machine monster. He also gives a clue as to who Aaron's biological father is.
- The Atoner: Camael, Lehash and, oddly enough, Lucifer.
- Black Eyes of Evil: Verchiel
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Poor Stevie.
- Cool Old Guy: Camael, Belphegor in Aerie.
- Cowboy: Lehash in the last two books.
- Cruel Mercy: In the final book.
- Decoy Protagonist: In the first book.
- Good Wings, Evil Wings
- Guns Akimbo: Lehash
- The Gunslinger: Lehash, chief of security of Aerie.
- Holier Than Thou: Verchiel
- Honor Before Reason
- "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight
- Magical Girl Warrior: Lorelei in the final two books.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Herod
- Orifice Invasion: In Leviathan.
- Power Tattoo: Aaron, whenever he taps into his angelic powers.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Belphegor in Aerie.
- Sacrificial Lion: Camael, Belphegor, Stevie/Malak.
- Satan Is Good: While Lucifer has committed many horrible deeds in the past, this is explained as because of his jealousy towards humans. He believed he was no longer loved by God when God created humanity, which is why he rebelled against Him. During the time-frame in which The Fallen takes place though, it is shown that he deeply regrets his past actions and now seeks redemption, and is shown in his first appearance to have been serving as a priest in a church and has befriended a small mouse. He is also Aaron's father. Though in the end, God still has not forgiven him, it is heavily suggested that it is merely a matter of time at this point. Also, "Hell" is not a place where he tortures the souls of evildoers, but rather his own tormented metaphysical state of being, caused by all of the grief of the heavenly war being sealed into his body.
- Shoot the Dog
The ABC Family miniseries contains examples of:[]
- Anti-Anti-Christ: Aaron
- Bittersweet Ending
- Dark Action Girl: Verchiel
- Dawson Casting
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?
- Flashbacks
- Gender Flip: Verchiel, who's male in the books, is female in the ABC Family miniseries.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Hey, It's That Guy!:
- Stefan Salvatore is Aaron.
- Wait, wait — Hal Wilkerson is the Devil?!
- Luke, I Am Your Father
- Nightmare Fuel