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  • In Fast Five, Tej tells Rome how he would like to start a garage with his $11 million share of the take, because he always wanted a place where people could come get their cars fixed up without getting ripped off. However, in 2 Fast 2 Furious, Tej already had a garage. It was even called "Tej's Garage." That's how Brian and Rome were able to get their police-issued cars checked out and their trophy Mustangs modified. Why would Tej decide he needed a new garage, even before Mia and Brian announced they had all landed on the Most Wanted list?
    • That garage was used for a giant car swarm that ended in Brian and Rome escaping a rather large police pursuit (and Tej and Suki getting stopped/arrested). The cops probably confiscated the property, hence, Tej has no more garage
      • Or, its very possible that vinyl graphics, neon and sound systems went way out of fashion and his business soon folded as a result.
  • Another one for Tej. When Dom says they're stealing $100 mil, Tej immediately calculates individual shares of $11 mil for each of 8 team members. Anyone who's ever owned his own business should be able to do basic arithmetic: 100/8=12.5 100/9=11. Why was he calculating for a ninth team member he had no way of knowing was going to be involved?
    • A simple case of doing the math wrong in his head or maybe he took into account various expenses that might come up during the planning?
      • And a room full of career criminals didn't question his numbers? You don't make that kind of book-keeping leap in logic without a little bit of explanation when you're talking in the millions, unless you want to be accused of skimming off the top. They used the same number throughout the whole movie even after some of it was burned and a new member added to the team and nobody said "Wait, how much do we get now?". Academically, I know that they just wanted to keep the numbers simple so as not to confuse the audience, but did they really have to assume that we can't multiply single-digit numbers by 11? I'm slightly offended.
        • There are nine members however. Brian, Dom, Mia, Han, Roman, Tej, Gisele, Tego and Rico (the two guys who break into the police station). So Tej's calculations weren't wrong after all.
          • And as for them not questioning Vince's cut, I always just assumed that Dom was splitting his share with Vince.
  • So, in Fast Five, why does no one call attention to the fact they killed half of Rio with that safe?