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  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Michelle Rodriguez and Laz Alonzo of Fast & Furious had lead supporting roles in a certain other 2009 blockbuster.
    • Then there's Lucas Black, who played Caleb in American Gothic when he was much younger.
    • Tokusatsu fans might as well recognize Reiko from Tokyo Drift as Sailor Mars.
    • In a blink or you'll miss it cameo in the 3rd movie, a fisherman turns out to be the Drift King, Keiichi Tsuchiya, who popularized the method during his domination of motorsports.
    • Sonny Chiba also shows up in the 3rd film as DK's yakuza uncle.
    • The hot Brazilian cop assisting the DSS agents was last seen on a plane with motherfucking snakes.
    • Agent Markham from the second film is Ajax.
  • What Could Have Been: The fifth film actually started out as The Brazilian Job, the proposed sequel to The Italian Job, when the sequel went through Development Hell, the script was bought and rewrote to fit into the FAF series.