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  • Obviously rare, given the tone and setting, but there are one or two.
    • Depending on how you see these things Bayaz ripping Jezal a new one when the uppity new king gets it in his head to put the damnable old wizard in his place.
      • Holy crap, what is wrong with you?
      • Agreed - Jezal is trying to do the right thing, to try and use his new position to improve the world, and Bayaz crushes any chance of that ever happening into the dirt so he can continue to spend the lives of innocents in the pursuit of his personal goals. Less Awesome, more Nightmare.
    • When Logen and his Carls scream and bang their weapons to shields, scaring the Gurkish into dropping their arms.
    • When Logen defeats Fenris the Feared in a duel of epic proportions.
    • Rare..? That all depends on whether or not you're a sadistic bastard — if you are, half the damn books are MADE from these, and the other half consist of setups for Crowning Moments of Awesome.
    • When Bayaz breaks Sult's furniture as proof of his Magi...ness...
    • The correct answer is always Glokta killing Practical Frost in a single paragraph with his sword cane, effortlessly.
    • When Bayaz is using the Seed he burns an Eater simply by telling him to do so
    • Any time Gorst decides to start fighting
    • "I'm no dog."