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The setting of the Flash's TV series[]

When comparing the Darker and Edgier setting of Central City with the Lighter and Softer Gotham City from Batman, it just seems very jarring to though Batman, given who he is, would fit better in Central City as portrayed here, while Flash would be a much better fit for Gotham City in that series. Or that the Flash TV executives wanted to play him as Batman (consider how Flash is treated as an Urban Legend the way Batman would be). And then looking at Flash's spotlight episode "Flash and Substance" in Justice League Unlimited, it gets even more jarring. Does anyone else find anything wrong with how Flash and his city were portrayed in the live-action series?

Is The Flash getting blacklisted for live-action filming in favor of other superheroes?[]

Consider this: Several times it was rumored that Ryan Reynolds would be in the starring role of a live-action movie for the Flash--but that has since been quashed, considering he's in the starring role in the soon-to-be-released Green Lantern movie. They keep flip-flopping over whether a Flash movie will be made... and meanwhile, Batman has had his movie series re-launched with the Dark Knight trilogy (the third movie is currently in production to be released in 2012), Superman has had one re-launch movie and another re-launch on the way, Green Hornet has had a movie, several Marvel Comics characters have had movies in the last decade, Watchmen, V for Vendetta, not to mention the various animated DC Comics feature films...WHY IS FLASH GETTING THE CRAPPY END OF THE STICK?

  • In addition, observe this clip (which according to the summary was broadcast before a special advance trailer-screening of the Watchmen movie).
  • I think part of the problem is how do you play the Flash? First, which Flash would you choose: Jay, Barry, Wally, or Bart? Second, what would the plot be? Keep in mind the trend is a initial stand alone-able movie as a test run with two follow ups. There are other factors. Until Prof. Zoom began retconning Barry's past, all the Flashes except Bart led well-adjusted and "normal" lives for the most part. I can almost imagine any Flash and the Rogues living in the suburbs when not doing their theatrics. Though it could have potential to be an anti-Batman/Superman movie. One movie against the rogue(s). Another of the movies poking fun at movie reboots/retcons by going through with the Rebirth/Zoom retconning of Barry's past.
    • Movie 1: Something involving Prof. Zoom and Barry. Flash is already a hero. Jay and Wally are around. The exposition dump to inform non-fans of the essential backstory bits would be Thorne in the future. The first half of the movie deals Barry with accidentally ending up in the future, where he defeats Thorne, who is the evil/corrupted Flash of the 25th Century. Part two, Thorne becomes Professor Zoom and heads into the past. Movie ends with Barry killing Prof. Zoom.
    • Movie 2: The Trial of Barry Allen; it ends with Barry's death to avoid/replace Infinite Crisis. The Rogues face off against Barry. Barry tries juggling the trial with keeping the city safe. Either intentionally or unintentionally, an explosion goes off. Said explosion may not need to be a literal explosion, but a MacGuffin to replicate the CMOA with a nuke event. Barry runs in and out trying to save everyone, but going that fast ends up getting him trapped in the Speed Force.
    • Movie 3 A: Return of Barry Allen Plot. Barry returns, but it is really Thorne suffering from Amnesia/Denial. Plays out in comics.
    • Movie 3 B: Rebirth, Prof. Zoom pulls Barry out of the Speed Force. His past is retconned by Prof. Zoom already. yada, yada.
    • The 3A route would be a Pirates of the Caribbean-style plot route. Barry to Wally as Jack Sparrow to Will. Wally is the centerpiece of the movies with him starting as a sidekick and moving up to overcoming his fear of replacing Barry. The 3B route is all about Barry Allen.
      • I and someone else had a debate about this and, when it comes down to it... A Flash Movie would be pretty damn boring after the initial speed trolling lulz died down. In the comics, the only reason there is still crime LEFT in the world was because Wally just didn't use his god like power to go stop all of it. Really, Superspeed is just to broken.

Are Barry and Ollie friends?[]

The New Guardians arc on Green Lantern revealed that while he is friends with Ollie publicly, Barry hates his guts and generally speaking, sees Ollie as a usurper who took over his role as Hal's best friend/filled Hal's head with a lot of "liberal" ideas about how society should work.