Movie featuring Dwayne Johnson as an American football star, whose entire way of life gets turned on its head when the daughter he's never known (Madison Pettis) comes to live with him.
This film is an example of:
- Action Hero Babysitter: The Rock as a football player unexpectledly having to raise a ballerina daughter.
- Actor Allusion: This time he plays football
- Blondes Are Evil: Played straight with Tatiana and Kingman's agent.
- Chekhov's Gun: When Joe says he's allergic to cinnamon, Peyton says she's allergic to nuts. She accidentally ingests nuts in a desert, which provides the impetus for the film's final act.
- Children Raise You
- Dumb Blonde: The nanny they first hire is quite ditzy.
- Every Year They Fizzle Out
- Everybody Is Single: Except for Sanders, and he's initially teased for going home early to his wife and kids.
- Fridge Brilliance: Why does Joe Like Elvis Presley? He's a king just like he is. Also, say Joe Kingman five times fast. Joking Man. I don't know if this was intentional but it fits with his personality.
- Glorified Sperm Donor: Joe. To be fair though he didn't actually know he had a daughter until she showed up on his doorstep.
- Ironic Echo: "Looks like someone lost their man card."
- Jerk Jock: Kingman starts off as a professional version of this, although he eventually softens up.
- Luke, You Are My Father
- Manly Tears: After Peyton gets taken back by Karen, Kingman cries after finding a letter from Peyton's mother, who he just learned had died six months prior.
- Meaningful Name: Hmm a football movie with a character named Peyton...One can only wonder if she was born on the 18th
- Parental Abandonment: Peyton grows up without her dad.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Joe and Peyton's ballet recital.
- Scary Black Man: Subverted. The Scary Black Football Player first scares Peyton, but then is later seen giving her high fives and cries during the ballet recital.
- Sink-or-Swim Fatherhood
- Speech Impediment: Kingman gets one after Peyton gives him a cookie with cinnamon. He's allergic to cinnamon, and it makes his tongue swell up. Hilarity Ensues.
- The Cast Showoff: The Rock is quite the singer/guitarist/ ballet dancer.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: Between Kingman and Peyton's ballet instructor.