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The film was created by a group of movie critics so they could have a definitive worst movie ever[]

So many critics had a different movie that was the worst, for reasons ranging from personal hatred, to bad acting, to lack of plot, to boring pacing, to bad subject matter. There was so much infighting, a group got together and decided to make THE worst ever, with no possible chance for disagreement. They created the worst movie of all time.

The suckiness was intended.[]

The film was created to reflect the horrors of the trading cards it is based on. So the quality was also disgusting. And squicky. Makes sense, right?

It was a plot by parents to kill the franchise.[]

Parent's groups reportedly hated the card franchise and tried to have them banned, so they secretly hijacked the film to make it as bad as possible so kids would lose interest. Sadly, it worked.

  • The guy who did the X-play review said that he tore up all of his cards after watching the movie. So you are right.

The genocide of the ugly was caused by the film itself.[]

The revolting behavior of the titular characters in the film caused a social backlash against ugly people, leading the government to round them up and go to work exterminating them, which in turn led to a series of events resembling those depicted in the film.

  • Nice going, Garbage Pail Kids. You just created the secretly unpleasant society of "Number 12 Looks Just Like You."
    • Alternatively, the backlash was caused by the behaviour of the first batch of Garbage Pail Kids, resulting with the establishment of the State Home(s) of the Ugly. By the time the Garbage Pail Kids in the film arrived, the first group had been captured and exterminated alongside thousands of ugly people.

Everything after the sewer scene is Dodger's Dying Dream.[]

The sewer water was poisoned, and killed him. He dreamed the whole thing. Think about it - it explains EVERYTHING.

  • It doesn't explain the space garbage pail, it doesn't explain the paintings with the moving eyes, it doesn't explain why the Pail is in the store, it doesn't explain why it overflowed with green goo, it doesn't explain why a group of 23 year olds were trying to beat up a 12 year old, it doesn't explain that laugh......

The Garbage Pail Kids are Thyme Lords, and Manzini is a Time Lord[]

No, that's not a typo. The theory I propose is that the Garbage Pail Kids are actually Thyme Lords! And what are Thyme Lords, you ask? They are like Time Lords, but come from an alternate universe that is made of Squick, evil, and rotting corpses! On the alternate universe's equivalent of Gallifrey, clothes are highly valued, due to all the squickiness constantly making them unwearable. The Garbage Pail Kids were trained to make these clothes from birth, going through the most rigorous training courses, out of which, only the best tailors survived. In the alternate universe, beautiful people are the ones being genocided. The garbage can they arrive in is the alternate universe's equivalent of a TARDIS, the SADISTIS (Squick And Deadly Indigestion Sexy Thyme IN SPACE!). This model doesn't have a chameleon circuit, and is prone to slipping into different dimensions (mostly due to them not yet developing vomit-proofing and piss-proofing technology). Manzini, on the other hand, is a proper Time Lord. He knows what the garbage can truly is, having encountered it once before. The previous time, he opened it out of curiosity, and immediately regretted it. He was forced to leave that planet to come to Earth, and start a new life, away from the reproductive orgies and various other squicky things the prevous batch did. Thusly, he dedicated himself to keeping this one closed until he could destroy it, and, consequently, them. Unfortunately, they escaped. The reason he's smiling at the end when they drive away is because he actually hated this planet because he had to protect it, and now that he doesn't have to protect it anymore, he can find a new one to live on. By the way, after the kids take over through massive reproduction and other squicky activities, they will begin their genocide of beautiful people (in other words, all humans-the State Home for the Ugly, unbeknown to Manzini, is run by a different Time Lord who created it to kill the kids should they ever arrive on the planet, due to his paranoia coming from a previous run-in HE had with such beings). ENJOY YOUR NIGHTMARES! >:D

Dr. Forrester requested it.[]

  • In a desperate final attempt to finally break down Mike and the Bots, Forrester realized there was no way in hell an adaption of these trading cards would be good so he paid some producers and B-movie actors to shoot and star in it. However, they did their job too well so when Forrester watched it to make sure it was shitty enough to thrust at Mike and the Bots, he finally broke down and gave in to his mother Pearl so that's why she had to constantly stay by his side in the last few episodes and subsequently take over as head villain; Forrester had slowly been going mad from the awful movie until Pearl had to get rid of her insane son.

This movie is related to Uwe Boll.[]

Specifically,it is connected to Uwe.It wasn't just the fact that is was So Bad It's Horrible that its a fake,but they unintentionally created an Eldritch Abomination.However the movie,while sentient and horrific,had humanity and didn't want mankind's minds to snap when seeing it.So it siphoned off excess badness so it was simply a really bad movie.Said excess badness found a human host in Uwe Boll,before directing movies.The reason why he's so bad at directing is because of this