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  • Big Lipped Alligator Moment: The portraits with the moving eyes at the beginning? Never explained, beyond a vague implication that Manzini is fond of collecting magical items.
  • Dull Surprise:
    • One of the bullies laughing.
    • Thanks to Special Effects Failure, the kids often have this look frozen on their faces. The pic on the main page is a good example.
  • Nausea Fuel: Given how disgusting the source material was, not surprising.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The Garbage Pail Kids themselves, plus the whole concept of the State Home For The Ugly.
  • Snark Bait: The only reason most people who are well-informed about this movie might want to watch it.
  • Special Effects Failure / Uncanny Valley: The Garbage Pail Kids are midgets in horrible, horrible rubber outfits. The suits are so badly designed that their mouths can't even close. Your dreams will be haunted tonight.
  • Took the Bad Film Seriously: Jim Cummings certainly did. He actually stood against the film when he saw the finished result.